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Author Topic: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games  (Read 5400 times)

Uncle Crusty

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Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:29:28 AM »
All too frequently, I see people on this website offering balls for sale or for trade that supposedly have less than five games on them. I've even seen several balls advertised with less than a game on them. Threads like this have two and only two possible explanations:

  • The seller is a compulsive liar and feels that any ball with more than a handful of games could never be moved, so the only option is to lie about the ball's mileage.
  • The seller has absolutely *zero* conception of managing ball reaction and is entirely too dependent on technology.

So my question is this: what in the world possesses people (non-staffers, specifically) to move a ball after using it for a game or two? Wouldn't it be prudent to try several surface adjustments, experiment with different oil patterns you may come across, etc.? Or do some people derive absolutely all of their perceived talent from buying new balls on a weekly basis?
"Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein."

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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2009, 03:16:54 PM »
If you know you misspelled, you could have at least gone back and fixed it..

Two upstanding Rhode Island bowlers battling one another.. Who'd have thunk it?
AIM - JoeydfromNB11
#TeamStrikeFX #TeamBrunswick


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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2009, 03:19:36 PM »
If you know you misspelled, you could have at least gone back and fixed it..

Two upstanding Rhode Island bowlers battling one another.. Who'd have thunk it?
AIM - JoeydfromNB11

Spelling is not nessisarry on the interwebs
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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2009, 03:22:12 PM »
If you know you misspelled, you could have at least gone back and fixed it..

Two upstanding Rhode Island bowlers battling one another.. Who'd have thunk it?
AIM - JoeydfromNB11

Because i only knew it was wrong, not what was actually right.  Geez, keep up.


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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2009, 03:25:32 PM »

Because i only knew it was wrong, not what was actually right.  Geez, keep up.

Knew it was wrong, but didn't know what was right?? Now you're making this fun for me

Ok, back to the sidelines..
AIM - JoeydfromNB11
#TeamStrikeFX #TeamBrunswick


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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2009, 03:52:04 PM »
I can change any surface, I have a home spinner.  As for buying a ball, and not getting around to plug and drill, what can I say, sometimes you get a good deal, and just get lazy.  Plus, I bowl once a week, and try to practice once, so, a week or two go by, you get lazy, and sell it.  

NoseofRI, if you click on Crusty's profile, he has a 13 ball arsenal.  Why does he need all those balls when you can just change your hand position or surface?

Sometimes you buy or trade for balls with very low games, and never get around to plugging, or sometimes a ball gives you the same reaction as others, so you realize keeping it isn't going to do anything, so you also put it back up for sale??  It's happened to me, so who knows?

I could be wrong here but it sounds like you just proved Crusty's point perfectly.  Not getting around to fixing up a ball you just bought?  Wasn't there a specific reason you bought that ball?  Guess not, so basically you buy a ball just to buy it, no consideration of how similar said ball is to something you already have.  And despite supposedly being able to see that the reaction is "similar" to something else, a slight surface change on most bowling balls will fix this, even if its so much as hand scuffing with a 2000 abralon pad.  
I know myself when I consider buying a used ball, its a specific ball with a close layout to what I'm looking for, and as soon as I receive it, I'm going to get it fixed so I can use it.



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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2009, 04:21:42 PM »
Someone pass me some popcorn!!!
AIM - JoeydfromNB11

Buttered, cheese or plain?
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2009, 04:23:45 PM »
I can change any surface, I have a home spinner.  As for buying a ball, and not getting around to plug and drill, what can I say, sometimes you get a good deal, and just get lazy.  Plus, I bowl once a week, and try to practice once, so, a week or two go by, you get lazy, and sell it.  

NoseofRI, if you click on Crusty's profile, he has a 13 ball arsenal.  Why does he need all those balls when you can just change your hand position or surface?--------------------

Okay I can understand that.  So then you are technically worse than the two types that Crusty came up with, because you don't even use the ball sometimes before getting rid of it.  Which to me is still quite amazing.  Considering, as others have said, you buy a certain ball for a certain reaction, so if you're buying balls and being to lazy to get around to them, what does that make you?  And if your only bowling once a week what's the reason for the extreme investment of purchasing others used bowling balls plus having a spinner at home.  I can understand the convenience of this, but for you amount of bowling there just doesn't seem to be a reason for it.  

And I bowl with Crusty, so I know exactly what his arsenal is.  Not sure if you actually looked at it or just counted it, but you'd realized that 3 of the 13 are NIB, 3 are pre-2000, 1 is a spare ball, 1 is an overseas version of a Groove.  So basically he's got 5 bowling balls from the last 4 years that make up an arsenal.
I bowl quite often and compete in many tournaments, there are just times that changing hand positions won't work.  Certain bowling balls can only be manipulated with different hands positions so much.  If the lanes are getting burnt I can't take a Blast Zone and still get it to skid flip.  And as far as changing the surface, well you can't do that in the middle of competition.  Hence why if you bowl more than once a week, such as in tournaments, and different leagues, a 5-ball arsenal is the norm.

Uncle Crusty

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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2009, 04:34:07 PM »
I can change any surface, I have a home spinner.  As for buying a ball, and not getting around to plug and drill, what can I say, sometimes you get a good deal, and just get lazy.  Plus, I bowl once a week, and try to practice once, so, a week or two go by, you get lazy, and sell it.  

NoseofRI, if you click on Crusty's profile, he has a 13 ball arsenal.  Why does he need all those balls when you can just change your hand position or surface?

It's true, 13 balls are listed in my profile. But 3 of them are new and undrilled. Of those three, two were given to me for free and are sitting around collecting dust. I got the third, the UI, a ball I've always wanted since having a great deal of success with a friend's years ago, for a great price and plan on drilling it at some point in the future. One of the 13 is a spare ball which I haven't thrown in months.

Three of the balls on that list were made in the mid-1990s (I found the Piranha in a buddy's basement and he gave it to me), yet another (Sting Zone) was also free. Furthermore, the Wizard was given to me by a friend who was nice enough to gift it to me since he had no use for it and I was in a rut at the time, having not drilled a ball nearly a year. The No Mercy was a ball someone sold me cheap since he won it in a raffle. The remaining 3 I bought at full price to fill holes in my lineup.

Almost anyone will admit that this isn't exactly the most intimidating or most up-to-date lineup, especially since I bowl 3 leagues a week (one of them PBAX), bowl at least one scratch tournament a month, plan on bowling Nationals in May, find myself bowling sweepers and pot matches at least once a week, and so on. You, meanwhile, have balls sitting around waiting to be plugged, and you only bowl one league a week.

And before you ask NoseofRI to side with you, I know him in person and he's seen me tote my arsenal of fossils into league week after week and still manage to outscore a good majority of people with my 14-year old equipment when their bags are full of 5 balls made within the last 3 months. So to insist I'm a ball whore on the same level as you apparently are (otherwise you wouldn't be all defensive about the topic) is downright silly.
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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2009, 04:47:55 PM »
Crusty,  I think the old stuff is great myself.  Not really defensive about the topic, just listed my reason for buying and selling quickly sometimes.  It's just my reason,  nobody elses.  Plus I'm here to support this sport, they need me (and us) buying and selling.

Uncle Crusty

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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2009, 05:05:59 PM »
Crusty,  I think the old stuff is great myself.  Not really defensive about the topic, just listed my reason for buying and selling quickly sometimes.  It's just my reason,  nobody elses.  Plus I'm here to support this sport, they need me (and us) buying and selling.

Fair point. I usually show up with nothing but my Fire Quantum and Gold Rhino on THS, there's no sense getting fancy on a wall. The older stuff rolls great for me.

I guess my beef is really with the uber-whores, the guys who buy at least a new (as in brand new from their pro shop) ball every couple weeks and really have no idea how to make any sort of adjustments whatsoever. It's out-of-box surface or bust, and if they don't shoot a ton with the ball right off the bat, they sell it and buy something else. They don't even attempt to make surface adjustments or play different parts of the lane in an effort to figure the ball out, they just sell it with minimal games on it and keep buying until they shoot an honor score or find something that hooks the lane, upon which they declare that ball the "best ball ever." We all know this guy.

And while skill obviously plays a *huge* role in how well you bowl, you'd be kidding yourself if you said a new ball isn't advantageous over an older one under certain conditions. Otherwise, we'd all use urethane or something goofy like that. So, for me, if I go to a tournament or something and lose to someone spraying it everywhere and carrying the planet with his 20 new balls while me and other people with not-so-deep pockets are suffering a bit in the carry department because our equipment has a bit more mileage on it, it tends to get frustrating. And when the scoring pace is high in a tournament, the difference between making the cut and clearing a bit of coin and going home early can come down to how well your carry is. And there's no real skill involved in buying pin carry off the shelf. I guess that's my main point.
"Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein."

-Broadcasting Extraordinaire and Mensa Member Joe Theismann


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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2009, 10:59:31 PM »
That's why they need to put odometers in bowling balls. LOL.


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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2009, 05:05:44 PM »
for me its the way i track the ball....  almost EVER ball i have, i track different..  some even flare to and past the weight hole...??..   those get sold quick!!

Maine Man

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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2009, 11:43:12 PM »
I hate those guys who punch up balls just because they work in the pro shop, and do it because they can.  Oh, wait a minute.....

Seriously, though, I agree with Crusty on the points he made in his opening post.  Also, I feel that the only time a bowler (competitive or otherwise) should have to drill another ball is to fill a gaping hole in an arsenal, or to replace a ball that may have become damaged and can't be used anymore.  Buying balls just to say you have the "latest and greatest" out there is moronic at best.
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Re: Balls For Sale With Less Than 5 Games
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2009, 02:27:08 PM »
I agree with Crusty for the most part but there have been times when I have unloaded a ball quick back when the used ball market was actually decent. If there was something with the ball I didn't like and knew that it would take a big surface adjustment or just time to learn to like the ball, I would consider unloading it quick before it got marks and games on it to get top dollar out of it. Now that the used ball market is in the crapper, I would certainly experiment more with a ball before I considered it a lost cause.