I am going to have to disagree that the ball is secondary, but I will agree that the drilling plays a part as well.
The first thing, as has been said before, on a tougher shot you want more of an arcing ball. Something that is predictable, controllable and won't over or under react when it hits the friction. I think here is where the drill pattern comes into play.
Once you have found a ball you like with these characteristics, you have to put the correct drilling on it to match up to your game. Your Pro Shop or coach will be able to help you with this. If you have slow speed you will need a different drilling then if you are more speed dominent. If you have lower rev rate vs higher rev rate, amount of axis tilt, etc. All this comes into play into selecting the proper drilling......and to a lesser extent, what ball you would want. If you are slower speed, higher rev player, you may not need a VG Nano, for example.
Hope this helps.
P.S. I have had some back and forth with Mainzer in the past, some very spirited at times, lol, but I respect his knowledge of the game. I don't want to put words in his mouth, but he may have meant something along these lines as well when he made the statement below.
Edited by Jorge300 on 8/17/2011 at 7:19 AM