Sorry I am not into brunswick.
I meant to type creature pearl. I at first thought a psycho, and after seing a bunch of them they look really good on the lanes, but i think that is a stronger ball than I am seeing, especially with me throwing it.
I am looking for a nice fit in bewteen, Street rod sounds nice, but haven't heard anything about it, what ball is the core from? I am highly interested in T-road pearl, but I see its diff is pretty darn high and having a strong cover on it, it seems it will overlap a good deal wiht the Cell pearl unless drilled really weak.
I have a creature solid, and I don't match up very well with that ball either, it is drilled in a way I wouldn't drill it. I want to give it to a senior that need to drop down to a 15lb ball. The creature pearl could be a winner with a drill I am accustomed to.
Weak drilled Tantrum anybody???
What is sandbagging???