The wife has kind of put her reservation in for the little closet under the steps. BUT... there is a nice wood shelving thing in another closet (also in the basement). It's even secured to the wall, so it appears to be perfect, as long as I store the balls in boxes or on those plastic disks (sorry---don't know the proper term) that will keep them from rolling.
Still.. there is a bottom shelf, and I'm wondering if I should use it.
Even though she knows I intend to use this closet for the balls, she's still mumbling and grumbling about putting other stuff in there. She tends not to notice or complain about things stored on the floor in other closets, whereas other locations higher up, attact her attention more easily. But lower down means the floor and unknown risk of flood/water damage.
And don't get me wrong... If I say the balls go in a certain spot... that IS where they will go (afterall...they were occupying 2 closets of floor space for the last 20 years). But if I can preserve some marital harmony AND find a new happy place for my balls (no pun intended, but leaving it).
The big question remains... is the bottom shelf safe for the most part, or would any ball under water for more than short time be trashed?
Edited on 9/4/2009 12:08 PM
Edited on 9/4/2009 12:09 PM