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Author Topic: Bay Area Get together  (Read 918 times)

Doc Hollywood

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Bay Area Get together
« on: June 13, 2004, 06:32:46 AM »
For those that didn't get a chance to go you missed out on a good thing.

Chango and I were there at around 8 am and Ron and his family showed up and we just threw some bowling balls.

Ron whipped out the camera and began coaching Chango and he made some quick improvements to his release and taught him how to pick up some spares.  This should boost his average up about 10-15 pins.

Ron followed up with me on fine tuning a few things that he went over from my video from before.  He was nice enough to give me a few pointers about playing breakpoints and axis rotation.  It helped raise my track and explained why I struggle with some conditions.

pchee2 showed up late to say hi and to shoot the breeze.  I don't know if he stuck around to bowl as I had to leave early and pick up a few things from the market and to check on my pulled pork I had going in the smoker.  Which by the way came out awesome fell off the bone.

I also had to attend a seminar on CPR so I had to cut things short.

All in all it wasn't a great turnout but I finally got to meet Ron and hopefully will be able to get out his way soon or maybe get him to come on out again sometime for another seminar.  If you guys get the chance to meet with Ron for some coaching you need to.  The guy can help you and does it very easily.

Hopefully Chango will post and Ron will too when they get the chance.
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Magic Carpet

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Re: Bay Area Get together
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2004, 03:47:46 AM »
It was great to meet more ballreviews folks. Doc Hollywood looks just like the mad scientist on the bottles of his Bowling Ball Elixir This guy is into so many things I can't believe he finds time to bowl. I wish he could have stuck around and had dinner with us...but it sounds like he did pretty well.

I had to give the lane man 10 bucks to unplug the pin setter just to get chango to stop bowling. He may bowl a lot better now but I think he may go broke if he bowls 26 games every time he goes out.

Wilbert must have left his balls at home, so he just hung around to shoot the breeze.
It's always great to get to hang out with DaPeach. It was very nice of him to drive the hour on almost no sleep just to say hi.

I am now in the Medford Or. area and got to meet my internet buddy Bob Korth and his son for the first time. We did a great Jet boat cruise down a river that included dinner. That boat was pretty cool, with about 80 people on board the pilot could do bat turns and thrill the crowd.

I am headed for the Ca. & Or. coast now, maybe I will become a Pirate.

Ron Clifton
On the road again.

Doc Hollywood

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Re: Bay Area Get together
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2004, 09:30:55 AM »
Ron - If you get the chance to get down to Santa Cruz to cruise the boardwalk you have to check out the chicks and ride one of the oldest wooden rollercoasters around still.  It's not a great one but it has been around for a long time.
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