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Author Topic: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........  (Read 7929 times)

David Lee Yskes

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Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« on: January 25, 2010, 05:22:09 AM »
If you lived in a area that only had 1 bowling alley and the next closest bowling alley was 30miles away, and the house you bowl in put out a tougher shot????  either by flattening out the House shot, or by putting out one of the Kegel Challenge shots??  

I ask this because yesterday while practicing I got to talking to the GM of bowling alley i goto about possibly putting out a tougher shot to practice on...

And I brought up something about why they dont "toughen" up the shot a bit?  He reply'd that he did toughen up the shot a bit lol..  which kinda made me laugh cuz I'm averaging higher than i did last yr...    But I asked why "they" or as in the house doesnt use something like a Kegel Challenge pattern, which is what is used for our State tournament...  
His response was, most bowlers would quit...  And I said something towards the fact of, no other bowling alley being within 30miles of here...   And they could basically put out w/e pattern they want, and bowlers would just have to deal with it...

His response was, "they would quit, they would quit bowling...and just do something else."  

He also brought up, how one friday nite this season he accidently put out the Highway to hell challenge pattern..  and out of the 18- 5 man teams, there was 1 or 2 600's a couple 500's and the rest was in the 400's...  He said he never seen so many 100 to 130 games by so called "good" bowlers...  

But anyways,,,,  would you just quit if your house made the shot a bit tougher???

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "

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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2010, 02:06:12 PM »
tired of the houses by me just plain not oiling maintaining the lanes at times. and im going to travel next year around 30+ miles. so YES i would travel.

I love a challenging shot, which can be the lanes i bowl on BUT i cant stand when its just certain pairs. your lanes end up with two bowlers over 600... lane next to you has multiple 700's! and the bowlers dont seem even that good. THAT is the only time i want to complain.
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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2010, 02:07:15 PM »
No I would not quit. Like Lord Walrus said, I too like a challenge and I also know how good/bad I am regardless of what the scoring pace/conditions may be. Recently my "Local" house (Takes me two hours each way to get there on public transport) starting putting down a v.easy pattern and despite not bowling for more than 6 months I rolled a 300 within 5 games of coming back and a number of 750 plus sets.

Its just a case of stand left throw right and as long as you release the ball half decently and don't tug the ball, its making its way back to the pocket. I rolled a few practice games and despite bowling like an idiot (partially due to some medical problems) I still averaged around 220 and when a friend asked me how I bowled he was shocked when I said that I had bowled badly and I was not happy with the conditions.

It seemed as though he thought I was trying to act like I was some kind of "Star" bowler, but it was not what I was trying to say. I was just trying to point out that even though the scores may have said that I was bowling ok, I knew in my own mind that I was NOT bowling well and that I prefer conditions that tell me exactly how I am bowling.

Big scores are nice but the enjoyment wears off very quickly if they come frequently regardless of how you are bowling but are solely dependent on what pattern has been put down.

Unfortunately most bowlers don't care about improving, just rolling big numbers regardless of whether they were "deserved" or not.
I would have got away with it if it was not for those pesky kids (Behind my lane) and those blasted 10 pins.
I would have got away with it if it was not for those pesky kids (Behind my lane) and those blasted 10 pins.


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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2010, 02:43:45 PM »
We have 8 or so houses in the area here and I WISH some of them would put down some tougher shots.  There are exactly 2 PBAX leagues in town, both at the same house.  There's no where to practice on anything but "THS" which are different for each place but by no means tough.  The only way to get practice on any types of tougher shots is to bowl after the PBAX leagues are done for the night until they oil.  I'm in one of those leagues and we have pot games after that are starting to draw popularity.  First week had 4 guys, the latest had 16.  Anyone can bowl them, not just league members and the house is charging $1 game just to get people in the door.


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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2010, 02:45:10 PM »
The answer to your question the way I see it is for myself as well as most of us who post on here is no we would not quit just because of the tougher shot.  The real problem lies with the fact that we are the minority of league bowlers.  The proprietors have a real dilemma because the minority is asking for a tougher pattern while the majority will scream if they toughen the pattern up.

There is no easy answer for a center because no matter what you do you run the risk of pissing off bowlers and losing business.  We are looking at moving to another center next year with our team, not because of the pattern but rather the poorer service and treatment of league bowlers in comparison to the other centers in the area.  

Sorry this was off the was a little off subject.  I think centers will have several challenges in the future in order to survive.



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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2010, 02:54:27 PM »
I'm a bowler, so I would first start kicking the ball returns and whining/crying like a little baby!  I would throw a tantrum nightly and berate the owner/lane man because I'm just looking for fun, I don't want to have to practice or anything to shoot big scores.  So, eventually, when the tears kept falling on deaf ears, I would quit because I'm not man enough to accept that I'm no good.  I don't believe I should have to work at earning my scores, they should just be given to me.

I don't play basketball for that very reason.  I mean, shooting at a 10 ft. goal that's barely bigger than the ball?  All I want is to stand there and sink 100 consecutive free throws - I think a 6 foot goal that's 3 ft. in diameter would be perfect!  But the basketball people wouldn't do that, so instead of standing there getting frustrated about my lack of skill that was causing me to miss 6 out of 10 free throws the one night a week I'd go play, I just quit and found something else to do.  If bowling tries to make the game anything like a sport where I'll have to practice and earn my honor scores, then I'll quit that too!


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David Lee Yskes

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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2010, 02:58:25 PM »
Well i am pleasantly surprised by many of the responses...

Now i should of defined what i ment by a tougher oil pattern..

I'm not talking laying out the Earl Anthony pattern  lol.  But something like the Kegel Challenge patterns..  Which are tough, yet very play-able... you cant just toss the ball blindly and expect to score, you need to be consistent..   Also the lane conditions need to be consistent too.. having it oily one week and dry the next, while its challenging is more of a headache than a challenge.  

And yea I wouldnt want do be extreme to one degree or another being just a flat 40/50ft heavy oil pattern or a 30ft short oil pattern...  

Sir-bowls-alot :   yea I'd be a bit frustrated if i did a PBAX league and every other lane was completely different...  That was probably a terrible experience, and was probably due more to the person setting up the pattern or the oiling machine just not working right.  

Fabes:  Yes, its funny how guys react when they encounter a tougher condition and get the "ego" check.  A year ago during Xmas, I was down in holland bowling with my brother and ran into Kevin Pardue, and we got to talking about "tougher" conditions, and he mention'd someone that bowls at Northland lanes and was averaging around 220.  Said guy went to States and couldnt figure out why he struggled to shoot 170's..    

And Yes, shooting 600 usta be consider'd good...  I can still remember when "century lanes" was a tougher house to bowl in, and if you averaged around 200.  You were consider'd to be pretty good.  

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "

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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2010, 03:06:30 PM »
I own a small center where I live-nearest center 40 miles away. Also have interest in a large center in a large town with 2 other centers. I am sorry to say that 90% of the league bowlers regardless of average want easiest shot you can put out. I HAVE had bowlers quit and drive the 40 miles to bowl at a center that has always had a simple shot-so it will and does happen. It is the only way we are able to keep a high number of bowlers.


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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2010, 04:26:04 PM »
I would not quit, I would love every minute of it in fact.

What you could do is tell them that it is just a league shot but put down a Kegel pattern. eventually they would figure it out and scores would go back up.
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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2010, 04:49:46 PM »
If you lived in a area that only had 1 bowling alley and the next closest bowling alley was 30miles away, and the house you bowl in put out a tougher shot????  either by flattening out the House shot, or by putting out one of the Kegel Challenge shots??  

I ask this because yesterday while practicing I got to talking to the GM of bowling alley i goto about possibly putting out a tougher shot to practice on...

And I brought up something about why they dont "toughen" up the shot a bit?  He reply'd that he did toughen up the shot a bit lol..  which kinda made me laugh cuz I'm averaging higher than i did last yr...    But I asked why "they" or as in the house doesnt use something like a Kegel Challenge pattern, which is what is used for our State tournament...  
His response was, most bowlers would quit...  And I said something towards the fact of, no other bowling alley being within 30miles of here...   And they could basically put out w/e pattern they want, and bowlers would just have to deal with it...

His response was, "they would quit, they would quit bowling...and just do something else."  

He also brought up, how one friday nite this season he accidently put out the Highway to hell challenge pattern..  and out of the 18- 5 man teams, there was 1 or 2 600's a couple 500's and the rest was in the 400's...  He said he never seen so many 100 to 130 games by so called "good" bowlers...  

But anyways,,,,  would you just quit if your house made the shot a bit tougher???

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "

For my vids on youtube - search coolluvr4u1976

They purposely did that to a league last month and even the local regional titlist did poorly..shot a low 500 series.  The laneman was told to delete the pattern by mgmt.  Lots of people missed the headpin and when they could hit it they left buckets or worse.  it's a scratch league so they should be bowlers who can adjust. I am being sarcastic now.


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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2010, 05:06:39 PM »
No I would not quit. Change equipment--learn to adjust....
 But look at it from the management side--if things are easy then people will show up week after week to bowl. Yes, I know that the average bowled isn't a true indicator of the skill he/she has. But to keep "butts in the seats" if you will,mgmt has to do this. Otherwise the once a week bowler will complain that they can't bowl well anymore because "There's too much oil---I can't bowl good there so why go??""
 While those who want to get better and bowl on different patterns usually have to go to tournaments to see a different pattern get hurt by this,because of the absolute plethora of personal entertainment available to John Q. Public now,the center manager has to rely on the "house shot" to have a prayer of keeping the doors open next year.
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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2010, 05:50:41 PM »
I would welcome it and feel most of the locals would not care as long as they have some kind of beer specials.
as I see it the serious bowlers would still bowl and the rest are just there to toss a ball down the lane and drink.
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The harder I try the harder they fall


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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2010, 07:15:20 PM »
i drive 35 miles to bowl leagues anyway so that isn't an issue for me. i'd probably bowl one league in town on the tougher shot and one league out of town on a typical house shot.


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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2010, 10:28:45 PM »

No bowlers should be allowed to have the lane mechanic press the easy button the oil machine.  Too bad that old dump Big Rapids Bowling Center had to close up, they had a wonderful house condition that was not easy to score on and you always had to earn your scores in that house.  The guy that used to run the proshop at Miracle Lanes in Grand Rapids tried to make BRBC a go, but with it falling apart, wood lanes in need of being replaced by synthetic, and real lane condtions, he couldn't win.  It's the sad truth in Big Rapids, MI you have to press the easy button or the league bowlers will get scared away.  But I'm pretty sure they care more about getting Ferris State Bulldog Country drunk and charging them big $$$ to open bowl or cosmic bowl, so they just press the easy button so the league bowlers will think they are good and they will stay to bowl league.  

Even the 12 laner in Remus and 6 laner in Howard City press the easy button, never bowled leagues in any of the forementioned houses, but have relatives up in the area and practiced at these places numerous times and they are all scorefest easy, minus the closed BRBC.  Now the 12 laner in Evart, that's a different story, they press the easy button too, but you wouldn't know it because all the bowlers in that joint are bad enough and the league stats would lead you to believe the lanes are oiled difficult

Matt (the former chink of collegebowling)


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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2010, 10:39:37 PM »
i would love a tougher shot, the shots lately have been hard just because they are breaking down so fast, but tougher lane conditions really shows who is good.  having to execute shots is way more fun than just dumping it off your hand


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Re: Be Honest, Would you Quit bowling if .........
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2010, 11:11:39 PM »
This topic comes up from time to time ,on this site and at my local center and the answer is all ways the same (bowlers will quit if the shot is hard).I bowl with a good # of bowlers in two different centers and all of them would wellcome a change.Way to many average bowlers with over 200 averages, me being one of them.I have as of yet found any one who owns up to quiting if the shot gets more diffcult.I do wonder if it costs more to put out harder shots.I do know that one year we had a true sports league shot and had a large # of people that joined the league that summer,but the guy that ran it said it was a hassle pulling tape and keeping the oiler in shape.It was time consuming and the owner would not do it the following year.I do not know but would love to see one of the centers bite the bullet and make the move back to the sport.
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