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Author Topic: Becoming a better bowler or bowling 300???? VENT ON!  (Read 6718 times)


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Becoming a better bowler or bowling 300???? VENT ON!
« on: January 14, 2012, 11:43:30 AM »
I have always focused on becoming a better bowler and mastering the game. I do this by nature.  However, it is perplexing to see people that can not repeat three shots in a row to save their life and know very little about ball reaction and proper lane adjustments, shoot 300 spraying the ball all over the place, and then claim that they have arrived.

Truth is that you do not have to be good to shoot three hundred and you can be a good bowler and not shoot a 300.

I am happy to see most bowlers do good. There are a few that I do not care for so I must say most.  As things now stand, I have concluded that shooting a three hundred in some houses does not mean that you are a good bowler at all. I can't say that about an 800 series as there has not been one shot this year.  There have been numerous (around 20) three hundreds.

In my second old wood house-- 0 three hundreds, 0 eight hundreds and two 750+ series.

Vent off.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

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Re: Becoming a better bowler or bowling 300???? VENT ON!
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2012, 07:26:15 PM »
All this really only applies on a walled shot..
If you are a serious bowler and are sick of getting beaten by less talented bowlers, gather some likeminded friends and start your own sport league, maybe even do it scratch.  As more bowlers around you see that it is serious competition, more will join you.
We did this, and have just 15 people playing singles in this our first year of it, with hugely varying talent levels, but pretty much everyone is enjoying it.  We use handicap still because of the talent range, but with patterns changing every 2 weeks, it still puts a massive onus on practising the patterns and making good shots.  At the end of the first half, the high average is 212 and low average is 119.  high game is 299 and high series is 757.

Ryan Press - Seismic Staff Member