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Author Topic: been thinking...  (Read 4146 times)


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been thinking...
« on: February 06, 2012, 02:51:55 PM »
its dangerous I know...not trying to hurt myself lol, but im been thinking of just using 1 brand of bowling balls. I'm wondering how many of you guys have done/gone this way. What im thinking is going with a smaller company like Lanemasters, Radical, Lane 1, AMF. Something along those lines. I want to use a company that you dont see everday during league. With that all being said which the smaller companies which would be the better bet? Trying to figure out which is the most unique as well as diverse with their releases.


I am leaning towards radical at this point...i have the times up and it truly is a beast of a ball.

Tim DeSpain

Lord Field Amateur Staff

"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"



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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2012, 11:07:37 PM »
I have been a member of Storm Nation for about 7 years now. I used to throw various brands. Once I found Storm and how well their balls fit my game, I've never looked back. Some people don't care one way or the other. I, on the other hand have found it easier to keep up with and adjust my arsenal with just one brand of ball in it. This isn't to say that Storm is the only good manufacturer out there. They just fit my game the best and in my opinion are the best. The day Storm stops production, is the day I stop bowling. The main thing is to just use whatever works for you. A $200 ball is of no use to you if it doesn't fit your style of bowling. Of the brands you mentioned, I like Lane #1. If I was gonna try something new, I might give motiv a try. Some pretty nice stuff coming out of their camp. Hope that helps. Either way, good luck, whatever you decide.



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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2012, 02:11:31 AM »

  If I were to try something new and just 1 brand, I think I would go with radical based on the fact that phils been around the business for some time and hes created some good balls.. the radical line has 3-4 balls..(soaker, solid, pearl and maybe another one)all are different and it won't be hard to choose from.. I've seen the pearl and solid in action and they roll really sweet and if the soaker is anything like the dynothane thing or threshold, that will be a winner too..


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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2012, 05:29:01 AM »
I believe I read somewhere that Lanemasters just filed for bankruptcy protection.  I can't remember where I read it though.
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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2012, 06:06:49 AM »
I agree with stormdamage.  Columbia seems to match up better with my game.  It was because the proshop I did business with only sold Columbia Balls.  I am not really sure is Columbia fit my game or I made my game fit columbia.  I have used other balls, Bunswick Quantim, Amf Angle and other equipment.  I now have a Storm Nano, C300 world Beater,  C300 Outburst, a Brunswick Avalanche Pearl, and tonight I am pickinug up a C300 Scout for dry lanes.  Remember, it is your money.  Don't force yourself into buying a ball because of the manufacturer, unless that manufacturer is paying you to bowl with it.  Stormdamage was fortunate to find a manufacturer that he likes and trusts.  I think I could be happy with a single manufacturer myself, but I choose to be a more flexible and I like to try other brands.  Whatever you choose, good luck.

stormdamage wrote on 2/7/2012 0:07 AM:
I have been a member of Storm Nation for about 7 years now. I used to throw various brands. Once I found Storm and how well their balls fit my game, I've never looked back. Some people don't care one way or the other. I, on the other hand have found it easier to keep up with and adjust my arsenal with just one brand of ball in it. This isn't to say that Storm is the only good manufacturer out there. They just fit my game the best and in my opinion are the best. The day Storm stops production, is the day I stop bowling. The main thing is to just use whatever works for you. A $200 ball is of no use to you if it doesn't fit your style of bowling. Of the brands you mentioned, I like Lane #1. If I was gonna try something new, I might give motiv a try. Some pretty nice stuff coming out of their camp. Hope that helps. Either way, good luck, whatever you decide.




Old Man Still Learning

300x800x3 (High 814x2)

Hi Avg 218 Cur Ave 214

Tweener-Cranker (Reactive)

Heavy: Storm VG Nano 4000AB Pol / C300 World Beater Pol
Medium: C300 Outburst Pol / C300 Game Pearl
Light: C300 Scout Reactive / Brunswich Avalanche Pearl
14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.


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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2012, 06:10:15 AM »
There is really no advantage, and mostly just disadvantages to using one brand. You can build a very good arsenal from most of the company's these days without a doubt. But some comapanies do certain things better imo.


Storm for instance, has the best skid/flip stuff I think. Also, with the VG and maybe it looks like the Vivid they have great oilers that still flip on the back.


Ebonite/Columbia on the other hand I think have the advantage when it comes to strong midlane roll and predictability off the back of the pattern.


Point is...matchup is the number one thing in todays game. The proper matchup will make a 200 bowler look like 220. A 220 bowler will chase the 240 range. It really is that big of a difference. So...why limit yourself?


The first response mentions that he finds it simpler to build his arsenal. I would agree. And if you want from 1 company exclusively. If you want the best chance of scoring then get with a good shop and a good driller that understands oil patterns and layouts and put some time into understanding the dynamics at work yourself.


Then, you will give yourself all the tools.




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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2012, 07:04:57 AM »
Go by this.  You can always find something in a company that will matchup with you.  For me, it's Seismic, AMF, and 900 Global.  The symmetric stuff seems to suit me better so I try and keep it simple.  Unless an assymetric comes out that I feel like will be a winner.  Like the Raging Bull Charged!
completebowler wrote on 2/7/2012 7:10 AM:
Point is...matchup is the number one thing in todays game. The proper matchup will make a 200 bowler look like 220. A 220 bowler will chase the 240 range. It really is that big of a difference. So...why limit yourself?

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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2012, 07:25:20 AM »
I agree with most, pretty much everyone makes quality bowling balls.  But deciding if you want to use one company versus many can depend on what your goals are.

If you want to develop a tournament arsenal easily, I feel picking one brand is the easiest way.  Can be Storm, Roto, Brunswick, Ebonite, etc. This will make getting the next ball above or below even easier since that is the goal of their lineup.  Trying to do this across numerous manufacturers can be difficult, but not impossible.

If you are a league bowler, then it isn't as big a concern staying with one company.  If all you want is a good league arsenal for a couple of houses, then pick what maximizes your game on those league conditions, irregardless of brand.


I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on

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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2012, 07:37:09 AM »
I am also a San Antonio guy, and use 900 Global, AMF, and some Seismic. I find their stuff rolls well for me, and have had few duds from them. Could I build an arsenal out of just 1 of them? Sure could. Pick a company, and I could put together something for 90% of conditions out there. My problem is trying to decide between which company, since it's all so good. 
For instance, I love my 900 Global Bank, love my AMF Clutch Pearl, and love my Seismic Aftermath. I've tried Morich, was an Ebonite guy for years, tried Brunswick, tried Storm, was Track for years, and I found that the stuff that comes from 900 suits me best. That's what I throw and endorse. If a company suits me, I will give them the business. 

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My arsenal


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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2012, 09:56:59 AM »
This topic shows that opinions vary on how to build an arsenal, and the truth is that it is something that takes time for you to learn what is best for you.


I find for me that when I like a brand I tend to stick with it throughout the arsenal. Sometimes we can get stuck on trying to see the lane based off of the ball reaction a certain brand gives us, this is tricky when you are brand loyal and then switch to another. Imo, all brands now days make a variety of reactions throughout the brand line, which covers most conditions you will see.


I had been loyal to Storm/Roto before signing with Seismic at the first of the year. Slowly I am building an all Seismic arsenal and I love what I see from Seismic. Great customer service, and great rolling bowling balls that offer looks you may not find with other big companies. It would do you well if you decide on one company to at least give Seismic a look. Pm me if you have any questions about the Seismic brand....

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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2012, 10:19:02 AM »
everybody has their likes but i personally would recommend a more popular company. think about it. would you rather a mechanic work on your vehicle or a registered nurse...... i mean these popular companies are so popular because they suck????? No, its because they produce a product that people love and enjoy using. just a thought to pass by you. also help American and buy something that is made in america

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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2012, 10:33:15 AM »
I agree with what Completebowler posted.


I went to all Ebonite a little over a year ago and have been satisfied with all of the Ebonite balls I purchased. However, I recently traded a ball that my pro shop driller wanted for his Storm Nano Solid which he had polished and of which he  hardley used and I have been so happy with this polished Nano that it has become the first ball out of my bag. Even though I was happy with Ebonite, this Nano has changed my thinking about one company only and I am now looking at others including Storm, especially the Brunswick Nexus solid and pearl and if I were to take the polish off the Nano solid, I would probably add the Nano Pearl under it.

completebowler wrote on 2/7/2012 7:10 AM:
There is really no advantage, and mostly just disadvantages to using one brand. You can build a very good arsenal from most of the company's these days without a doubt. But some comapanies do certain things better imo.


Storm for instance, has the best skid/flip stuff I think. Also, with the VG and maybe it looks like the Vivid they have great oilers that still flip on the back.


Ebonite/Columbia on the other hand I think have the advantage when it comes to strong midlane roll and predictability off the back of the pattern.


Point is...matchup is the number one thing in todays game. The proper matchup will make a 200 bowler look like 220. A 220 bowler will chase the 240 range. It really is that big of a difference. So...why limit yourself?


The first response mentions that he finds it simpler to build his arsenal. I would agree. And if you want from 1 company exclusively. If you want the best chance of scoring then get with a good shop and a good driller that understands oil patterns and layouts and put some time into understanding the dynamics at work yourself.


Then, you will give yourself all the tools.




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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2012, 11:20:00 AM »
If all you want are hook monster bowling balls, then I'm sure one company cannot feed the addiction fast enough.  But to develop a cohesive aresenal for something more than a league, using one company will be the easiest. 

Brickguy221 wrote on 2/7/2012 11:33 AM:
I agree with what Completebowler posted.


I went to all Ebonite a little over a year ago and have been satisfied with all of the Ebonite balls I purchased. However, I recently traded a ball that my pro shop driller wanted for his Storm Nano Solid which he had polished and of which he  hardley used and I have been so happy with this polished Nano that it has become the first ball out of my bag. Even though I was happy with Ebonite, this Nano has changed my thinking about one company only and I am now looking at others including Storm, especially the Brunswick Nexus solid and pearl and if I were to take the polish off the Nano solid, I would probably add the Nano Pearl under it.


"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."


I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on


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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2012, 04:13:02 PM »
It has nothing to do with hook monsters, but but does have to do with  the reserved energy as well as the move the Nano gives me on the back end with pin mix second to none of the balls I throw..... and from what I have seen locally, the Nexus pearl clears the heads with ease and reserves all of its energy for the back end with a move not common for older Brunswick balls.  To sum it up, it is the reserved energy as well as the back-end move and great pin mix of the balls that I have mentioned that has my attention and not how much they hook. 

spmcgivern wrote on 2/7/2012 12:20 PM:
If all you want are hook monster bowling balls, then I'm sure one company cannot feed the addiction fast enough.  But to develop a cohesive aresenal for something more than a league, using one company will be the easiest. 

Brickguy221 wrote on 2/7/2012 11:33 AM:

I agree with what Completebowler posted.


I went to all Ebonite a little over a year ago and have been satisfied with all of the Ebonite balls I purchased. However, I recently traded a ball that my pro shop driller wanted for his Storm Nano Solid which he had polished and of which he  hardley used and I have been so happy with this polished Nano that it has become the first ball out of my bag. Even though I was happy with Ebonite, this Nano has changed my thinking about one company only and I am now looking at others including Storm, especially the Brunswick Nexus solid and pearl and if I were to take the polish off the Nano solid, I would probably add the Nano Pearl under it.


"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."


I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on


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Re: been thinking...
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2012, 07:01:37 PM »
For a while, I have been throwing Storm and Roto Grip almost exclusively.  However, at the advice of my driller, I actually took a chance on Ebonite and Track and to great success too.   In my case, I love Ebonite and Track's predictability and strong roll in the midlane on most conditions.  But, when I need skid/flip or something for really heavy volume, I throw Storm.  If I need a really good hybrid that gives me the best of both, that's where my Roto Grip stuff comes in.  

All of the manufacturers now make some great quality stuff.  For the league bowler, it can pay to shop several brands as a brand you normally don't throw may actually fit better.  I found this to be true when I first threw my Vital Energy.  Hands down, great pearl ball that is very predictable.  Then, I tried a 919C and that has become my favorite on medium-heavy conditions.  A year ago, I would have just stayed Storm/Roto.  But, I am glad that I did go outside the box because the Track/Ebonite stuff has given me a look that I didn't have in my arsenal.  That in turn has increased my versatility and helped my average.

My arsenal

Heavy Oil: Storm Virtual Gravity Nano: 2000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Storm Anarchy: 1500 polished
Medium-Heavy Oil: Track 919C: 3000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Ebonite Vital Energy: 4000 AB
Medium Oil: Roto Grip Nomad Dagger: 1500 polished

Medium-Light Oil: Roto Grip Rising Star: 1500 polished
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire