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Author Topic: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )  (Read 4370 times)


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Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« on: November 15, 2008, 04:28:03 AM »

 Like it says, been thinking about quitting bowling a lot lately.  It may sound like whining, but I think the game/sport has sort of passed me by .

 Just in the past few years balls have gotten so particular and oil sensitive while oils have gotten more and more viscous.  Oiling machines now have to be computerized just to be able to put out the shot consistently.  I have tried to keep up with technological advances, but am tired of being told I need to buy 5 new balls a year just to stay competitive.

  Ball companies haven't been any help.  They design their latest missiles for top performance with no regards to longevity, and raising their prices to pay for their "R&D" to develop these "SUPER SPONGEBALLS". That's kind of like Ford motor company deciding to build and sell only top fuel dragsters and getting us to pay them to do it.  Top performance with no regards for longevity.  Lets see them persuade us that we need to go that route and buy at least 2-3 dragsters every couple of years.

  So, after buying at least 3 balls a year, for at least the last 7 years and always being told I am throwing an "antique" that isn't designed to handle "todays" oil patterns, I have just about had all I want. Last league night did me in.  I've been shooting really good this year, working very hard at it and got my average back into the 220's ( after a couple of years ), only to have the lane machine "malfunction" just prior to our league.  It proceeded to put out a reverse blocked shot that I have absolutely no way of hitting with what's currently in my bag. And WHY should I carry a ball designed for that shot when I am never supposed to see it?  I get tired of carrying 8 balls into my home house just to bowl 1 league. That was getting ridiculous.

  Burn out?  Maybe, but I don't know if this is the kind of burn out you can recover from or not.  I've really tried to do the best I can. I've worked very hard to get good over the years, learning all I could about the game/sport, trying to keep pace with technology and was/am considered one of the good bowlers here, but I am tired of the never ending chase.

  I'm not looking for validation here, just wondering why I should keep trying to perfect skills that can be/have been taken away at a moments notice by a vengeful laneman or a "malfunctioning" lane machine.  If the ability to score well depends on such a tenuous thing as the pattern of lane conditioner on the surface of the lane, and NOBODY can guarantee that it is put out properly, or if I happened to have the "right" ball at the "right" time with the "right" drilling on it, why should I continue to spend my hard earned money on something that is fast becoming a fruitless endeavour, much like a dog endlessly chasing his tail and never catching up to it?
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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2008, 12:39:22 PM »
Take up golf... the balls are less expensive and there are no trick layouts.


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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2008, 12:48:55 PM »
Take up golf... the balls are less expensive and there are no trick layouts.

 (LOL @ J Mac)

  In all seriousness, I want to have something to do that is enjoyable and have been considering golf. Problem is, I am pretty competitive in nature, and it probably wouldn't be long before golf became something more ( or less ) than pleasurable. That is what has happened with bowling, I believe.

  I am a highly competitive person and would want to crush my opponent, even in a game of tiddlywinks.  Maybe I just need to get out of the sports venues completely.
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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2008, 01:15:54 PM »
Sounds to me as if you do need to quit bowling. If it is no longer enjoyable then quit. If you want to crush your opponents join a mixed league. SOmetimes things happen with oiling machines that are out of our control and yes you may have a bad night. It Happens! What are you going to do though if things arent going your way in everyday life? Hopefully not quit at that. You cant always be number one all the time, but it doesnt men give up.


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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2008, 01:26:28 PM »
Sounds to me like you need to take a few weeks off and come back hopefully with a fresh perspective.  I am competitive as most of us are, but have had to learn that I enjoy both bowling and golf alot more when I relax and enjoy myself and I usually end up scoring way better.  Even the pros have to deal with the fact that they can't always win.

Good Luck with your decision



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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2008, 02:01:53 PM »
well mate,why not try taking bowling from another different angle?

there have been times i felt this way too but i always tell myself to keep up to the game in one way,
that is to excel in as many differnt type of oiling conditions as possible using the balls that arent made for that type of oiling,
that sure perks up my day as i know i have to challenge myself to get things right.

just a l'le suggestion from me who tries to keep myself going for the game
my current arsenal....
secret agent
power agent
attitude shift
gravity shift
x-factor reloaded
tropical storm
jolt solid
storm spare
thunderstruck pearl
street rod solid
street rod pearl
perfect dimension
rapid fire pearl
fired up II



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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2008, 03:03:17 PM »
Juggernaut -
If you are not satisfied with your current attitude and approach to the game, then radically change it.
- See how well you can bowl for a season only using old urethane or early reactive resin balls.
- Try bowling a season with your opposite hand.
- Bowl only a sport shot or PBAX league for better lane consistency.
- Work on becoming a 2-hander.

The thought is to try something that will fire up your competitive spirit again, and make you focus on your improvement rather than the improvement of your equipment.

I'm just throwing out these wild ideas in trying to help you with your lack of motivation.

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Edited on 11/15/2008 4:03 PM


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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2008, 03:14:49 PM »

   I quit bowling for 10 years (1990-1999). Since 2000 I have bowled two years in a row only once. And now I am bitten by the bug again.

   The reason I had not  bowled every year since 2000 is because I feel alot like you. I watch bowlers who clearly dont have the same "skills" as I  or knowledge as me and still have great nights. As well, I felt that I should be able to make 4 or 6 balls work on any condition because in the in my prime the 70's - 80 that was about it.

   But this time I have a different focus. I am not as limber or strong as I was nearly 20 years ago. So now I focus on execution and not score and try to understand how the oil is changing by watching other bowlers more carefully. As I understand what is happening I am able to choose my equipement better throughout the night. And as a consequence I am up about 20 pins this year over my average from 2 years ago. I choose not to focus on how good or bad my pair is, or how other bowlers are having a great night, but simply on my execution and on the things that I can have an effect on.

   My attitude is better than ever. I am having more fun competing against myself and not others. And when I look up I am out averaging almost everyone in the league and I am not trying to.

  I hope this helps.
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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2008, 03:18:57 PM »
you sound like a B*TCH!!


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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2008, 03:31:42 PM »
you sound like a B*TCH!!

  And you sound like you are on my ignore list. What was that?  CAN'T HEAR YOU

  To the rest of you guys, thanks for the tips, advice, and encouragement.  I really love bowling, I'm just tired of what it has become.  I long for times when you had what you had, equipment was limited, and everybody pretty much was in the same boat.  Not much advantage to be had, except in skill.

  I don't know what I am going to do.  I hate to leave a team in a lurch, so I will probably ride out the season, but after that I may just sit out a while.
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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2008, 03:44:07 PM »
Honestly balls haven't changed THAT much in the last few years if not longer.  If you can't find something in your arsenal that works maybe you need to either accept your game is devolving or hit the lanes and practice a little bit.  

I'm giving you my honest opinion even if it may not be what you want to hear.  I rarely have patience for people that try to find excuses as to why things aren't like they used to be.  If you're that unhappy just quit and find something else to take up your free time.  I know I'll never be a top notch bowler and I'm fine with that because I have a heck of a time with my friends every week.  

Just remember if conditions are tough for you, they are tough for everyone else too.  If everyone else is scoring then you need to check your own game.  You can't sit here and tell me the majority of your league buys 3-4 new balls a year.  And you can't tell me there aren't a ton of bowlers that still score well with so called "out of date" equipment.

My final suggestion to you is to enjoy your friends and your free time on the lanes.  Stop talking yourself into thinking you need to buy new gear every other month and go back to the basics.  My intuition is telling me you were a better bowler in years past and your skill level is dropping slightly.  You're probably frustrated that you can't get back to your 220+ days and it's making things even worse on your game so you are looking for outs, ie buying new balls threatening to quit...  Just relax and let the cards fall as they may.


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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2008, 04:31:47 PM »
Honestly balls haven't changed THAT much in the last few years if not longer.  If you can't find something in your arsenal that works maybe you need to either accept your game is devolving or hit the lanes and practice a little bit.

  As for the practice, you are probably right, I have kind of let that go lately.  As far as the balls changing, they have changed MASSIVELY in the last 10 years, and even more than those I learned the game with in the first place.  I'm 48 yrs old and, yes, my game may be "devolving" but, if I can shoot a 220 average for the first 11 weeks of league, don't you think I should know where to throw it and where not to?  This week was a total sham and shouldn't have ever happened. I bowled bad, but so did lots of guys, we just got beat by a team that we gave 150 pins handicap to and they didn't bowl as far under their 160 averages as we did our 210-220 averages.  

I'm giving you my honest opinion even if it may not be what you want to hear.  I rarely have patience for people that try to find excuses as to why things aren't like they used to be.

  Not looking for that anymore. I finally came to grips with the fact that bowling has changed forever.  I'm just sad that it has gotten to the point that the scoring can be shut down by a simple mistake in the oiling machines program.  That and idiots that don't listen when you tell them it is screwing up until it is too late and the damage is done.

If you're that unhappy just quit and find something else to take up your free time.

  Good advice. I'm currently looking into this.

 I know I'll never be a top notch bowler and I'm fine with that because I have a heck of a time with my friends every week.

  I once was a "top notch" bowler, but I am fine with where I was/am.  The time I spend with my friends there is the only reason I haven't quit already. I just know what I am capable of and don't like it when the chance is taken away from me by something that shouldn't have happened.  

Just remember if conditions are tough for you, they are tough for everyone else too.  If everyone else is scoring then you need to check your own game.

  That's just it, NOBODY else WAS scoring this night. It's just that, at 220 average, I ended up getting beat by someone with a 160 average who shot closer to his than I did mine  

You can't sit here and tell me the majority of your league buys 3-4 new balls a year.

  No, but the higher average guys that bowl a lot do. And in this league, most guys DO buy at least one NIB ball every year.

And you can't tell me there aren't a ton of bowlers that still score well with so called "out of date" equipment.

  As do I, when the lanes are cleaned and dressed properly.

My final suggestion to you is to enjoy your friends and your free time on the lanes.  Stop talking yourself into thinking you need to buy new gear every other month and go back to the basics.

  I buy new balls as experiments, not out of need ( except rarely).  What I am talking about is OTHERS who tell me that is why I am having trouble.  I know more about bowling than many of them put together and I get very frustrated with them and their sometimes "nonsensical" suggestions.

 My intuition is telling me you were a better bowler in years past and your skill level is dropping slightly.  You're probably frustrated that you can't get back to your 220+ days and it's making things even worse on your game

  Pretty close. Good guess or true intuition?  Who knows, but, I am not frustrated at not being able to get back to 200's, I am frustrated that I had made it there, only to have it washed away by an ignorant owner and his incompetent, CHEAP labor.  If your going to run the lanes with a machine, AT LEAST GET IT FIXED SO IT WORKS CORRECTLY.

so you are looking for outs, ie buying new balls threatening to quit...  Just relax and let the cards fall as they may.

  Not looking for outs, buying balls only when I want to ( no need for them really ), and not threatening to quit, but thinking about it.  Never was very lucky at card games either, LOL
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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2008, 04:58:36 PM »

The oil man has ALWAYS controlled scoring.



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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2008, 05:34:45 PM »
I'd quit...seriously!


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Re: Been thinking about quitting lately...... ( longish & rantish )
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2008, 05:39:32 PM »
I've run afoul of the laneman/oiler thing before where no one in the league scored well,BUT...............
 by taking a ball and having the pro shop guy hit it with the 360 Abralon pad and Hook-It,I was able to shoot 625 on a night where there were only TWO other 600+ series in the whole leagueonew of those was a former touring pro who only beat me by 5 pins.
 It sounds like you do know the game.My humble suggestion is to go back to the basics by taking a weakly drilled resin ball and play straight up the ten board exclusively and adjust as the lanes tell you to do so.
 After all,WRW and Norm Duke are doing pretty well playing straight.I don't know if you're a cranker or not,but that is what I'd do if faced with your problem.
 Have someone videotape you and see if there's something in your physical game that's changed that you may not be aware of.We're only human and sometimes do slip into bad habits.
 Good luck and keep us posted...............
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........