If you really just don't have love for the game, then sell all your stuff on eBay and give it up. You say you've been bowling for a long time, so my guess would be that if you do give it up, you'll be back. The game hasn't passed you by, you've just hit a wall.
I am going to call you out. Right here right now. I am calling you a coward, and a quitter and I challenge you. Your scores vs. mine. One league a week. No money, no points, no nothing on the line, JUST PRIDE.
Before you go all "Ignore button" on me or start calling me names, this is not an attack. I obviously do not know you, or your game, or anything at all about you. You need the fire back. I am here to help other bowlers, and my friend it seems like you need the drive back! You love competition. Lets compete, lets make it fun.
(I only called you names to get you PUMPED THE F*CK UP!!! and tell me when you read that you didn't think "I wanna kill this guy! lol)
It's up to you, but I think it would be fun and hopefully might, even in the slightest, get you back into it. I know it would fire me up a bit, so really it would be beneficial to both of us

Again to restate my point for you (juggernaut) and everyone else, I am not starting a war of words, my name calling was specifically a motivational tool for Jugg to get fired up about bowling again. My techniques might not be sanctioned by motivational speakers congress

, but hopefully it will work for you Jugg!
If you're interested Jugg, PM me. I bowl on Monday nights in a 5 person league. We can start our own thread of scores or just pm them to each other.
If you're not interested, I really hope you can find in yourself what it was that once made you love this game. It is a great game, a very frustrating game, and a rewarding game. You should know there are tons of people on this site willing to help you at all hours of the day, myself included. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide!
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!