I would adjust your line and/or the ball surface before going out to get a new ball. If the ball isn't making it to the pocket from where it used to, you can try moving outside to see if you can get the ball to hook off of the friction sooner, or you can move further inside so as to cut down the distance the ball actually needs to hook in order to get to the pocket.
Additionally, as you mentioned, adjusting surface is always a good option to test out. The Hyroad takes to surface changes very well, so you may find that hitting it with 2000, 1000, or even 500 abralon may cause it to pick up sooner and give you the same reaction you used to experience. The thing to keep in mind there is that balls have a finite amount of reaction potential. Meaning, if you give a ball a rougher surface, it will begin expending that energy earlier, which will lead to less reaction later. Some bowlers can't seem to get that idea into their heads. The key is to match ball surface to your style and the lane condition in order to give you the desired ball reaction and hitting power.