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Author Topic: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child  (Read 3118 times)


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bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« on: September 17, 2003, 08:51:58 PM »
Bennett posted a "dry lanes" related topic yesterday that generated a firestorm of responses. What's interesting is not the dry lanes question, but all the other unintended issues that were raised. Specifically, debate raged on bennett's other admitted actions -- quitting leagues after the official start of the season, expecting conditions that match up to new equipment, demanding the right to maintain a previous average, and failing to communicate concerns effectively to house management.

While bennett the person is probably a great guy who would be fun to share a beer with, his behavior exemplifies what's wrong with bowling (as a sport) today. As a whole, we've become a group of whiners and complainers who pack up our toys and go home if we're not given a funnel to the pocket or if conditions don't allow us to use the latest ball we just popped $200 for. The minute things are not comfortable, we quit and find something that's easier to conquer. It's the reason bowling as we knew it 30+ years ago is dying.

The next time you bowl league, look around and honestly count the number of bowlers left who are true warriors -- those who take the attitude that they will prevail and succeed regardless of the conditions before them. Those who take responsibility and blame themselves rather that slam the house when things don't go well. Those who make honest efforts to meet with house management and constructively work through problems.

If you're honest, you'll admit that these true bowlers are a dying breed.


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2003, 12:11:35 PM »
Apologies to Bennett........! Whether you agree or disagree with his post I dont see the reason to flame the guy like some of you jack-holes did! What the heck is wrong with ya? That kind of B.S. probably does nothing to change the way he feels and is just bad form.
"Ich spreche nicht Deutsch!"


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2003, 12:11:47 PM »
I think you're right on Steven! Don't get me wrong, I do my fair share of complaining, but I have never quit a league due to the condition. Even though I openly despise dry outsides and flying backends that do not favor my style, I realize they are here to stay, and I must face the challenge of adapting my style to succeed on them.


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2003, 12:33:45 PM »
Curly: Read the following from my original post:

While bennett the person is probably a great guy who would be fun to share a beer with, his behavior exemplifies what's wrong with bowling (as a sport) today.  

I specifically made it clear that I have no beef with bennett the person. It's his demonstrated bowling behavior that can be attributed to any of thousands of bowlers in this country. Bennett happened to be the guy who made the post, so I used him as example. It would have been you if wrote the same thing.

So please, no more of the crying over the "dump on bennett". If you have real thoughts on the this being a major problem in bowling (yes/no), I'd like to know.

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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2003, 12:44:45 PM »
count the number of bowlers left who are true warriors -- those who take the attitude that they will prevail and succeed regardless of the conditions before them.
That's all fine and dandy Steven. But, there comes a point to where someone is done taking enough crap and calls it quits..!!

Now, if you're a "true warrior" and keep taking it, I guess that means you like crap..?

I can deal with crap once in a while, but I don't want to get used to it. =:^D


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2003, 01:02:35 PM »
Er......sorry Steve. Whilst addressing a bowler elitist I shall stick to the points of your post. I dont see much of your generalizations happening. Most people around here drop out because of lack of money, time, etc.. Sure, there is a small percentage of people who complain but they are always back next week. I respect your posts Steven but must say that you are putting to much though into this matter. The only people I have seen demonstrate your points are serious scratch bowlers. Fortunately, most can have fun without all the high end balls and spotty lane conditions. IMO, these types are true bowlers. Flame me if you want.........
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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2003, 01:19:15 PM »
Looks like some people need their bran flakes...!
Not all great shots result in strikes and not all strikes are great shots.


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2003, 01:39:15 PM »
Yes, Steven you are a true warrior for bowling...create a thread to bash a bowler who doesn't want to bowl on bone dry lanes.
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2003, 02:11:22 PM »
good god....

This is the exact reason I have stopped posting anything serious on this board.  Yet another example of the Ball Reviews Elite stomping all over someone instead of trying to enlighten them.  How about maybe just talking it out with the guy first instead of bashing right away....  

I don't think it's right to quit a league either, let me say that right away before I get a flame post too.   BUT....   the league I was on last season is no more because the center we were at last season did not keep up on repairs or lane maintenance.

These boards have gotten out of hand to the point where I don't even want to post here anymore.  Good people getting run down by others because of things like this, or another recent example was the story Dave posted. It's was a feel good story with no proof to back it up because it was passed on to Dave via "the internet".   Even if it isn't true the story still had a point to it so why jump all over that!??!  

I feel bad for anyone new to these boards that happen to ask the wrong question...   especially when asking for help on a new ball without providing their technical info...   CLUE TO THE BALL REVIEWS ELITE >>>>  When someone asks without providing the technical info you need, it IS POSSIBLE that they don't know any better so try asking nicely for them to provide it before making them feel like an ass.
Who the?  How the?  What the ?????

Mojo......eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz there big fella!! Jeeeeeez  Who pissed in your Cherrios ?  Has anyone ripped you before,..I don't recall.......

Anyhow....he got ripped because his post screams..."I quit" ..I'm sure the rest of his post is totally understandable by most of us ....

he did get ripped, it wasn't that bad, but he did, and I can kind of see why...bennett rectified himself and did the right thing....

"How do you chop the 10 off the 6 ?!?!?!"


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2003, 12:42:32 PM »
I never said anyone ripped me...   but I have seen it done to others.  

Hey Mojo,

I'll NEVER forget the crap that you posted about me!!!!!!!!

Kind of humorous that you're complaining about others for stuff that you've done!

Yeah, but THAT was funny!!
"How do you chop the 10 off the 6 ?!?!?!"


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2003, 07:34:51 PM »
what if the machines were breaking every week and it made play long and impossible? Would all you guys fell any different?


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2003, 07:39:00 PM »
What a MASS MISINTERPRETATION of what was initially posted. Guess that's what happens when A SECOND PERSON STATES WHAT WAS ORIGINALLY STATED! tHE QUESTION THAT WAS PUT UP in the original post (NOT THIS COPY).. you talk about him quitting a league .. yes he said in his story he was doing (thinking) of doing that; you talk about the amount he paid for his bowling balls .. yes he mention that in his story .. however HIS QUESTION RELATED TO DRY LANES?

In stead of posting OUT OF CONTEXT REMARKS about someone .. answer his QUESTION! DO YOU THINK IT'S RIGHT FOR A CENTER TO BOOK A LEAGUE AND PROVIDE DRY LANES FOR THE FIRST GAME OF THE SET EACH NIGHT? I too want to know the answer? AND I prefer having it under the ORIGINAL POSTING so that I can follow the answers .. since this posting has strayed completely from the subject anyway!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

Edited on 9/19/2003 7:50 PM
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2003, 08:47:37 PM »

You sound like one of them bowlers that thinks there good in KC....
Bowling is just a game.........right?


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Re: bennett -- Bowling Poster Child
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2003, 03:21:17 PM »
First, to those who subscribe to the message in Mojo's following statement:

Yet another example of the Ball Reviews Elite stomping all over someone instead of trying to enlighten them. How about maybe just talking it out with the guy first instead of bashing right away....  

Where does this "elitist" spin enter into the equation? Is is really elitist to point out productive bowling behavior and encourage a fellow bowler to do the right things? You may take issue with my technique, but bennett ended up taking the right approach -- talking to house management, sticking with the leagues he signed up for, and most important, learning from the experience to be more careful in his choices starting next year forward. I applaud bennett for putting his ego away and try to productively fix the situation. His willingness to examining his actions and try a different approach is more than I can say for several of the pig headed regulars on this forum.

And Mojo, as far as 'just talking it out with the guy first' before proceeding with what you call bashing, I made several attempts to get more information from bennett (see original thread) before posting this topic.

And Chris_P, there is a concept in our free enterprise system called "buyer beware". The crux of the concept is that the buyer does a minimum of due diligence before making a purchase. In the case of a bowler, you take a big risk before signing up for a league in a house your not familiar with. In my case, there are several houses in my area that are gravel pits, so if I chose to bowl in league in these establishments, I'd get what I deserve. The message is to research, practice, and if at all possible roll a summer league in a new house before making a commitment for a full fall/winter season.

Anyway, way to go bennett. Maybe some of the others around here will catch on to your willingness to listen and at least consider that there might be another way.

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