My turn,my turn!
As for giving good advice,umm,I tell,ask or let a person know
when they have a HORRIBLE game.Whether it be a practice or league
game.I say "take some deep breaths,take a frame at a time" and
"BEAT THAT LAST SCORE BY 1 pin".Thats all,only "1 pin".
This is a fun little challenge,thats not too hard!
I also do this for myself too,this works wonders,I've told this
to a gazillion peeps(aka hundreds of times,true smack!).
As for the OTHER way round(aka advice I took from others?)
Good Advice given ta me was,uhh,I've been told/asked by
several bowlers to slow down my ball speed,especially
on the oilier Sporet Shots!Sice then it has helped.
The bad-corny advice ,but true--You should've stayed home!!
I get that every week!!!
Thats all for now,the rest of you be cool
and keep giving good ADVICE OK!!!