On the simple green thread, there's info on this, but basically the basic cleaner that Brunswick makes is Windex. They either license out the formula or outsource it, has been tested by a chemist and found the same ingredients. Cleaner is cleaner, the ball companies haven't invented some magic elixer unknown before and only to be used on bowling balls, bowling ball surfaces aren't extra terrestrial substances. Normal cleaners approved by the USBC which don't change the surface hardness etc are really the equivalent in basic cleaning oil and dirt. Any other effects besides basic cleaning would be illegal by the USBC anyways because it would be altering the surface, just cleaning degreasing the surface and maybe getting a little ways down into the coverstock too. Most are supposedly just water, Butoxyethanol, Isopropanol, Ammonia and some surfactants to help spread it out.
I do know for sure that Brunswick Remove All Ball Cleaner is re-branded Windex cleaner, or the same exact formula. I have a buddy who works for a lab, who tested the difference between the Brunswick cleaner and simple Windex. It's the same!