I've had the same problem for about 4 months...
I was throwing my ball way to hard for the revs I have.
If I would make a guess my revs would be in the 250-range I guess, but I was throwing the ball at about 20 MPH or harder.
Everybody told me I really had to slow down my speed, and I really tried everything:
I'm a 4-step guy, so I moved even more towards the line, I only stand at the 1st line of dots now and I'm a tall guy ( 1.90m which is 6'3 I think), hold the ball just below my waist, very small push-away, ...
Nothing helped because I couldn't slow my feet down and kept rushing the shots.
Also I was ingoring much advice I got from fellow players, which I regret afterwards.
Since about a week I'm improving: finally managed to slow my feet down (this was the biggest stap forward, beste change I've done).
I stay lower during the approach and I do a deeper kneebend now.
This gave me a better timing/feeling & it allows me to:
1) throw slower => I try to get +- 17 MPH
2) revs have incrased, by no means much but more than it used to be
3) far better ball reaction, thus more strikes

Before on our fresh 39ft med-heavy houseshot I had to play straight up the 1st arrow :S
Now I can play the little swing shot I love: 9-10 at arrows to around 3-4 at breakpoint.
I can also even slow the ball speed further down now, to about 15 MPH and play a bit deeper (around 3th arrow) but this is not my comfort zone, planning on practicing on this area tough.
Also I have a (long) pre-shot routine and I talk a bit to myself before taking the aproach -> this really helped me to get in a slower rhytm.
Sry for the long post.
Edited on 1/7/2009 10:07 AM