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Author Topic: Problem SLowing Everything Down..  (Read 2802 times)

10 In The Pit Pro Shop

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Problem SLowing Everything Down..
« on: December 30, 2008, 02:02:27 PM »
Alright guys.. my stats are in my profile..

I'm having a problem slowing everything down.. during practice my feet and ball speed are slow and im throwing the ball like i want to, but as soon as the lights come on i become fast again. Like i mentioned i don't have a lot of have, and kind of spin the ball, so i have a problem with getting to fast, and my carry % is reallly low.

I use a 6 step approach, which i feel is my major problem because im getting too much momentum when i get to the line, and everything is fast. I am throwing 15# stuff, and im not willing to move up to 16 because i have so much equipment.

I have tried everything, hold the ball lower, concentrate on staying slow. but when i do concentrate on staying slow my timing feels REALLLY off, and i can't get used to it. If the lanes are dry im killing it, but if theres any remote of heavy oil i stuggle with carry and hook..

Ive tried switching to a 5 step, and thats a little better but i still have a tendency to get fast, and timing still feels weird.. I hope anyone can gimme some suggestions to work on.. hand positions, speed, everything.. grrrrrrrr its becoming frustrating thank god i can make spares or id b foooooooooooooooked..

Thanks For Reading,


Ten In The Pit Pro Shop
 New Baltimore Michigan, 48047
 Inside Salt River Lanes



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Re: Problem SLowing Everything Down..
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2009, 06:12:48 PM »
Try this and see if this helps.  Take a deep breath at the ball return and let it out.  Then when you get on the approach put your hand in the ball and get set.  Close your eyes and take another deep breath as you are letting it out find your target and when the breath is gone make your move towards the target.


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Re: Problem SLowing Everything Down..
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2009, 07:28:56 AM »
I've had the same problem for about 4 months...

I was throwing my ball way to hard for the revs I have.
If I would make a guess my revs would be in the 250-range I guess, but I was throwing the ball at about 20 MPH or harder.

Everybody told me I really had to slow down my speed, and I really tried everything:

I'm a 4-step guy, so I moved even more towards the line, I only stand at the 1st line of dots now and I'm a tall guy ( 1.90m which is 6'3 I think), hold the ball just below my waist, very small push-away, ...

Nothing helped because I couldn't slow my feet down and kept rushing the shots.
Also I was ingoring much advice I got from fellow players, which I regret afterwards.

Since about a week I'm improving: finally managed to slow my feet down (this was the biggest stap forward, beste change I've done).
I stay lower during the approach and I do a deeper kneebend now.
This gave me a better timing/feeling & it allows me to:

1) throw slower => I try to get +- 17 MPH
2) revs have incrased, by no means much but more than it used to be
3) far better ball reaction, thus more strikes

Before on our fresh 39ft med-heavy houseshot I had to play straight up the 1st arrow :S
Now I can play the little swing shot I love: 9-10 at arrows to around 3-4 at breakpoint.

I can also even slow the ball speed further down now, to about 15 MPH and play a bit deeper (around 3th arrow) but this is not my comfort zone, planning on practicing on this area tough.

Also I have a (long) pre-shot routine and I talk a bit to myself before taking the aproach -> this really helped me to get in a slower rhytm.

Sry for the long post.


Edited on 1/7/2009 10:07 AM