I don't like threads like this because they end up being a list of almost every ball made during the year. I bought and had drilled up 12-15 2016 balls. They were almost all pretty good. If you drill a ball to maximize the potential of your style and use it on the right condition, there will be times you think it might be ball of the year.
In any case, I've come to judge a ball heavily on it's versatility. The one ball I will always take with me except for the shortest of patterns is the Radical Guru Limited. On tougher patterns, I had some of my best games with it at the Senior Masters and two PBA50 Regionals. At the same time it's an exceptional THS ball, both first and second shifts. It's one of the few balls I'd consider stocking up on.
A close second is the Storm Rocket Ship. I haven't had a chance to use it nearly as much as the Guru Limited, but it falls into the same category of versatility. It too will always be in the bag.
On a side note, I respect the opinion of anyone who loves the Scandal, which is one of my 2016 balls. But it's one of the few balls I've ever owned that I've truly disliked. For me, it's a heavy oiler that doesn't come close to the hype. I just had it completely plugged and redrilled, and after a few games, I'm seeing some improvement. Still, for me, it's nothing spectacular by any definition. It just goes to show how subjective this kind of thing is, and that there are no absolutes when it comes to judging the best.