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Author Topic: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues  (Read 1281 times)


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Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« on: December 27, 2005, 11:53:33 PM »
I've been struggling a bit lately, and part of the problem is that I have literally NO help from my team.  They just aren't serious enough bowlers to really have any advice for me when I'm having problems.  I just have to flounder through on my own, and it's often not till the second or third game that I figure out the one stupid thing that I was doing wrong.  I thought something that might help is to put together a little checklist I can look at with common mistakes I might make.  Does anyone else do anything like this, and do you think it might be a good idea?  I'm sure many of you have your own mental checklist, but I'm still so fresh to the actual techniques of bowling that I often forget one.  Here's what I've come up with so far, feel free to add others!  

Stay down
Follow Through
Shake Hands

It might seem kind of silly, but I didn't realize until the third game last night that I was coming right up the back of the ball.  For whatever reason I just kept on doing it, and I wondered why I couldn't get it to turn over consistently.  I figure maybe something like this will help!



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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2005, 08:48:42 AM »
A check list can be a very good thing. And since this seems, from your description of your bowling buddies, that this is not a serious league(although you are very serious about your bowling), this is as safe an environment to have a check list. Normally I'd only suggest it in practice or if you're totally lost. Looking at a list can be distracting. Experience and practice will solidify some of your technique and keys and reduce the need in certain areas, but that will come in time.

Not sure how follow through differs from posting the shot.

One key that 99% of the inexperienced players violate is their pushaway step: they fail to even know at what point is the roght point for them to pushway the ball in coordination with the right phase of the step (beginnign, middle, end?). You only see that they are not doing it correctly when they continually pull the ball and leave a 4 pin or worse.

A 2nd vital one is to pushaway towards your target, while walking towards your target abd keeping your shoulders perpendicular to the line you are walking. (not talking about when you open you shoulders and close them again)

As far as your coming up the back of the ball, you'll get to the point where that is (or should be) not a concern. Other than knowing how you want to release the ball, which can change from night to night depending on the lanes, for the most part that should not be a point of focus. Until you solidify your "A" game, you'll have only one release anyway, and that must become ingrained through practice.

Realize that while doing your appraoch and delivery, there are only so many things your brain can focus on at one time. You've got to pick your 2 or 3, one of which must be your target, which your eyes and brain have to lock on from pushaway to post.

"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2005, 08:49:58 AM »
Very good idea.  Timing is always an issue for every bowler.  

Fred Borden's philosophy about creating "thinking circle" behind the ball return while you are waiting for the adjacent lanes to clear is a very good training aid.  I do all my thinking about key issues I may be having trouble with during bowling.  Then step up on the approach with a key thought, set up and execute.  So many get locked up on the approach by over thinking......not good.  Your list will be a good addition here.

How did you do last night V2 work or ?




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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2005, 08:56:19 AM »
No, the V2 did not work last night, but that was user error.    I was coming up the back most of the night for whatever reason, and so I couldn't turn anything over.  The shot was also heavier than usual last night, as I saw many of the even better bowlers in the league coming in light or not at all.  So I was not the only one having that kind of a problem, but what I was doing with my release was making it worse.  Sometimes I really wish I had a really good bowler on my team that could point out something like that to me, rather than have me not really know what was going on.  I think I was doing this because last week the lanes were much drier, and in order to keep it on the right side I had to come up the back of the ball.  I'm also calling my coach today to set up a lesson for next week and then another a month or so after that.    It's been pretty irritating because I KNOW I'm doing many things so much better than I ever did, but I'm still not getting results due to stuff like what happened last night, one stupid little thing that was making all the difference.  Once I figured it out I shot really well with the Smokin.


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2005, 10:43:50 AM »
Oh, I do want to add that I'm thinking about plugging and redrilling my smoking to a more normal label leverage drill.  I got it used and just moved the thumb, and it's set up with the pin below bridge.  I'm thinking I should just use the basic drill I have on all my other equipment for now.  


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2005, 12:17:55 PM »

Funny, kidnapping your own thread. Talking about ideas and focusing and keys, and then you post about balls and drilling.
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2005, 12:31:39 PM »
Hehe...I guess it sort of meandered that way...


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2005, 09:14:00 PM »
Eyes on your target until the ball has rolled over it.  I work with a lot of bowlers that look up, so they never know whether or not they actually hit their target.  --  JohnP


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2005, 10:29:15 PM »
Okay, this is my routine before every strike shot.

Joke around with other team members, cheer and applaude. On my trip to the ball return I dont really think of much of anything. I pick up my ball, get it positioned right in my left arm. Step up onto the approach, step on the board I lined up with during practice (or what ever board my new adjustment is at). Get the rest of my body setup for the approach. Get my hand comfortable in the ball and before I move, a soft deep breath, then off i go. I do most of my thinking off the lanes so I dont bring on any other minor problems that could arrise.

I find for myself that keeping a clear mind in my setup and during my approach is vital for a clean execution. My Thursday night leauge team has a motto that we all use. Its "Dont think, Just Bowl". A visual check list is a good idea as that check list will eventually become a memory check list the more you practice and bowl.
Mike Zadler


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2005, 01:30:26 PM »
Thanks for the advice, all.  I've put together my final list:

Pushaway towards target?
Eyes locked on Target?
Staying down?
Clean release?  (Turning the doorknob?)
Following through/posting?

On an equipment note, I took the smokin to the new driller I've been using to plug and redrill to a standard label leverage, and he noted that the polish had mostly been knocked off, so he recommended I hit it with the factory finish polish, make it like a mirror, and try that first.  I was very happy, as he thought about what might be best for ME and not for his profit.    Bonus points for the new guy!  Oh, and anyone who is in Northern IL, Lake/Cook area, I recommend Mark at Bowler's Universe in the Brunswick Zone in Deer Park.

Thanks all!  I'll keep you updated on how my checklist works out!

(One final note, in putting together this list I think I already see at least two things I have NOT been doing!)


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2006, 11:35:17 AM »
For anyone who was watching this thread, I think I'm ready to retire the Smokin and I've figured out how to use my V2 Power again...magic carpet did the trick.    Thanks all for the advice on the checklist, if nothing else it got me my focus back, had a great night in leagues last night!


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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2006, 11:41:54 AM »
"If you're thinkin', you're stinkin'"

Based on some of the best advice I ever got; you should NEVER have more than two things on your mind when you get up on the approach.  One is better.  Basically a version of "Just throw the .... ball."
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Re: Putting together a checklist to take with me to leagues
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2006, 12:06:45 PM »
I'm actually using it more as a retrospective AFTER the shot.  If I make a bad shot or I dont' get the reaction I like, I go over my list quickly to figure out what it was I think I didn't do right.  Ex post facto!  I certainly don't try to keep all those things in my mind every time, but it has given me help when I start to struggle.