yesterday bowling for a league, one of the guy on the next lane was saying "wow i have a hangover and cant see well"
i was like... LOL
then 1 game after i was playing him, and i saw him buyin another beer. Then he came to me and said "look man, first game 150s, but i got a 200s since i got the beer"
in that game he beat the sh*t out of me..., he even made the 6-7 SPLIT!!
when i saw the split i was like "man, go and drink some beer and u gonna make the spare" he did so and he actually got it HAHAHAHA. after he converting that spare my moral went down and couldnt do much cuz he kept hitting the pocket and drinking more beer!
next sunday... im goin to try it too!
btw, my best excuse... i cant make the 10 ping

I go two-handed, and i hate stupid 10pins! cuz my 12lb spare ball hooks too much!