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Author Topic: Help! What are the "terms" for SOLICITING inside a Bowling Alley?  (Read 2445 times)

Ric Clint

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Title says it. I'm looking for some honest concrete facts on this subject.

3 senerio's for you:

1.) If a person has a ball that they've used and put say 25 games on and they find that they just don't like the ball anymore and then they sell it to someone inside a bowling alley... is that "soliciting"? Can the Pro Shop or Bowling Alley do anything to you legally?

2.) If a person has a Brand New ball and they sell it to a someone inside the bowling alley (with the intention of that person taking the ball to that bowling alley's Pro Shop and letting them drill the ball)... is that "soliciting"? Can the Pro Shop or Bowling Alley do anything to you legally?

3.) If a person has a Brand New ball and they sell it to a someone inside the bowling alley (with the intention of the seller taking the ball back home and drilling it for the buyer and then bringing it back to the lanes and selling it to him)... is that "soliciting"? Can the Pro Shop or Bowling Alley do anything to you legally?

Thoughts? Can anybody find where the ABC has a set of rules on this?

I see these happening all the time in one of my Leagues that I bowl in... and I've done the frist 2 senerio's. I'm thinking the 3rd one IS soliciting. But I'm not sure about the first 2 senerio's.

Have I done anything wrong?



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Re: Help! What are the "terms" for SOLICITING inside a Bowling Alley?
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2005, 12:55:14 PM »
If you are standing right outside the bowling center pro shop soliciting business to people you don't even know, thats one thing but if you are just inside the center talking and selling/trading with friends, I see nothing wrong with that at all..

I know me and user g_thing have sold stuff inside our house center and never had any problems at all. We just try to be discreet as possible..
If they only made a ball that would carry that da_n 7 pin (and I am right handed!!)

Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: Help! What are the "terms" for SOLICITING inside a Bowling Alley?
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2005, 02:25:27 PM »
When businesses or establishments put up signs that say, "No soliciting", they generally do not want people to come into that establishments for the sole purpose of selling something to the people inside. This is true for all the logical reasons. The product can be shady or the buyers may think the establishment/owner is the one behind the promotion or encouraging the sale.

So, technically, a bowler selling a ball, new or used, to one of his fellow bowlers (NOT someone who came into the bowling center SOLELY to sell a ball) is not soliciting. That said, the pro shop in centers are either owned by the center or charge rent to the pro shop. In either case, selling balls is competing with the pro shop (although many pro shops don't sell used balls, some do.) and the pro shop can ask the owner to throw you out or ask you not to return. It's within their legal rights for any owner of any establishment to refuse to serve or to provide services to anyone they wish, within normal legal boundaries, of course.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."