Here's the problem: My teammates wife has an Infectous laugh.
Last night in our Handicapped Mixed League(our 33rd week of bowling) we bowled next to a team that has been deemed "very serious" and doesn't really care for our team, based on the fact that they have been giving us dirty looks all year long because of the cheering. Yes, my friends wife has been there all season long cheering us on with her infectous laugh. Well it got escalated to our league secretary last night and he tried to tell her that she was warned before(no previous warning) and he was going to have here removed from the bowling center! We quickly interveened and told him she does not have to abide by the league rules because she is not a league bowler.
Now for the record, we know we could have here quiet it down a bit but the way the league secretary has handled it and the the way the other team has dealt with it we do not want to give them satisfaction. Also, in our opinion if the team in question had a problem with her laughing and cheering they are more at fault by not addressing the problem initially in week one of the season. My teammate and I talked about it and agreed that if they would have been professional about it from the start we would have complied. But to just sit back all year long and stew over it until this night where they had to bowl next to us just seemed a bit childish on their part(they also give the impression to the rest of the leagues as sore losers, they like to swear and kick ball return units after open frames and bad shots).
So I know we are both wrong (us and the other team), our league consists of 20 teams, pretty much all there to have fun. No other team in the league has said anything to us or the secretary about my friends wife.
So any suggestions on what to do would be greatly appreciated
Pat Patterson