Do you like your label drilled balls polished or sanded? How about your pin over ring, pip under ring? Pin over bridge, pin next to ring cg kicked out?
It's just another drilling that happens to have a generic placement in relation to the grip. Pin in the palm, CG at 45 degrees means differnt things to different bowlers. For some it's 5 1/2" from PAP, for others it's 3" from PAP, each will give a different reaction and each bowler may have to change the surface on their "RICO" balls to get the roll they want.
Don't just drill a ball RICO just to drill it RICO, use that layout for a certain purpose. That purpose will be different for everyone.
As to the question: too many variables in bowlers and lanes. Adjust your equipment to the oil volumes YOU see. Adjust your RICO drilled balls the same as you would any other ball. If you want a ball for fresh, knock the shine off, want something for second shift get a weaker ball and shine it.
Storm Staff 2009
Professional Approach Staff So Cal