hello, i bought my girlfriend a roto grip epic Odyssey, she currently loves the reaction it gives her but it needed a LARGE weight hole on here PAP to make it legal, the weight hole does nothing but crack due to it being so big, we have plugged it 2 times and to continue to replug it after 3 months of use is just a waste of money that we dont have
this brings me up to 2 questions, is there a way to change the layout so that a large weight hole isnt nessary or just to make it smaller(will provide a pic of the ball when i get a chance)
and if it turns out i have to replace it, what should i use, currently im thinking about a break point or a new AMF sideways since it has the same core as the mega friction
currently in her bag:
AMF Mega Friction
Roto Grip Odyssey
Brunswick Copperhead
Brunswick Twisted Fury
she is a low rev player and the mega fits the bill for her great, the Odyssey has a little more back end for her so she wants something close to it
thanks for suggestions and answers and sorry for the wall o text
Only throw the good stuff, Roto/Global.