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Author Topic: Best polished ball for oil  (Read 3442 times)


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Best polished ball for oil
« on: May 02, 2003, 04:16:43 PM »
Taking a poll.  Which ball, any ball, whether a solid reactive, solid particle, or pearl reactive and pearl particle, that when polished is best in oil?  Bob Hanson states that the Inferno is the best in oil for a polished reactive.  What is your experience with using polished equipment in oil?

Okay, it is a given that dull balls are better in oil, I am asking which balls when polished come the closest to still working in oil,not necessarily a flood.  I have a DT Element, it was dull out of the box, when pulled into the oil would never carry the 10 pin.  Polished ball up to 2000 grit and now it opens the lane up, carries pull shots and recovers great from outside.  From my experience this ball handles more oil and is stronger polished. Yet, I still have control and no over and under, the ball behaves like a dull ball, yet has a much better hit.
So, my vote is the DT Element.  Get the picture now.

Edited on 5/3/2003 6:51 PM



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Re: Best polished ball for oil
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2003, 02:02:53 PM »
Since "oil" is relative and "polish" is relative, the answer to your question has no meaning except "relative" to your definition of those two terms.

The closest ball in absolute terms might be a lightly polished Lane #1 Super Carbide Bomb. I think that is today's strongest ball.

The Inferno handles oil better than most pearls but it is so far from being an "oiler", it is not in the same ball game as the SCB.
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Re: Best polished ball for oil
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2003, 06:59:53 PM »
Charlest, I am not looking for a true oiler.  I have always liked dull balls for
the controlled even arcing move they make to the pocket, no over and under.  But have sacrificed hit and carry.  With my polished Element I have it all, Big hit, control and carry.  I think maybe others have experienced this with different balls.   If someone has polished a SCB or any heavy load particle, lets here about it. (Edited original post)


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Re: Best polished ball for oil
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2003, 07:20:58 PM »
I have an Angle Evolution Tour that is highly polished. It handles wetter mediums or mediums with some carrydown very well. It will work quite well on any medium pattern with head oil. That said it does need some friction to work. I have another that I keep dull and it works great on very long fresh patterns or medium patterns with heavy carrydown. On true heavy oil with my relatively high speed and poor rev rate I can't hook anything.


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