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Author Topic: Advice needed  (Read 543 times)


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Advice needed
« on: March 05, 2005, 04:40:38 PM »
I've never been a huge hooking type of bowler, but recently I've been trying to add that aspect to my game to try and take my game to the next level.

First of all, I've mostly been a down and in type bowler, similar to Walter Ray. Ride down the channel and cut it back at the end. This style has worked fairly well for me, as I've been able to carry anything from a 185-200 average with it. I'm also able to keep a fairly decent speed on my ball (19-21 mph) but only producing medium revs.

Recently, while adding more revs and a bigger arch to my game, I've noticed that I have a very inconsistent release. I've also been unable to maintain my normal velocity with the new style, with the speed ranging anywhere from 15-17. Also, I notice that I'm coming over the side of the ball instead of staying behind, which results in an ugly manner. I'm pretty sure it's because my wrist just doesn't feel in a natural position when it's behind and going through the ball, and I'm trying to work on that everytime I go out to practice. I was just wondering if anyone had an tips on this subject.
