Hi, I recently started to bowl again after a 5 year hiatus. Prior to leaving, I felt my equipment fit pretty well, but this weekend, after throwing a few games, i developed a browned spot on the palm side of my thumb about 1/2 way from the tip to the first joint.
Additionally, on the other side of the thumb, just above the joint, offset toward the index finger had alittle blistering/callous formation. Checking the span by putting my thumb in the ball, and putting each finger in individually comes out pretty close to perfect.
Because of this, I'm thinking a change in the flexibility of my thumb could have caused the issue. Any suggestions on a change to test out based on these conditions. Or, would you think that it would be better to plug and drill fresh considering the duration between throwing?
Also, in the mean time I've relocated and I'm unfamiliar with the pro shops in the area. Any suggestions on where to go in Queens NY?