Ok, two yrs ago i went from inserts to just finger tip and it was one of the best things of my game that i have ever done.
I usta like having the edges beveled alot cuz i thought it allowed me to come outa the ball cleaner/smoother. Well the first ball i had done with a sharper edge, it was still slightly beveled around the edge, but it was a very big difference, and it took me a week or two to get usta it, cuz it made my fingers raw untill they got usta it.
Well monday i had my Second Eraser Boost drilled up, and had the guy drilling the ball to leave the fingers unbeveled except to take the finger buzzer and with a buffer rag he smoothed out the insides and the edge of the fingers so there no burrs.
The edges are not Norm Duke style being straight from the drill press, but its as close as possible without having it done like that.
But i used this ball for six games monday nite and even though my fingers where RAW after the nite was done, i totally loved it.
I noticed i couldnt grip the ball, cuz if i did, i would feel it on my fingers. I also noticed i was comming outa the ball alot cleaner.
Well hopefully after this i can work my way to having the fingers just left right from the drill press.
I was just wondering if anyone has gone to right from the drill press fingertips or something close, and what they notice in thier release. And how it has improved thier game.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "