Don't know for sure that it IS carrydown, but sure seems to be the problem.
Was going to ask which ball was best ----which would have best traction, but have tried aggressive equipment and seems to increase the frustration level when it doesn't consistently have enough traction to combat the condition.
Is the solution to just concede that no ball is going to have enough traction to counter the carrydown (if it's severe enough) and to simply go the opposite direction and use a weak ball (cover or drilling) and just shoot a realtively straight shot?
I admittedly do not have much hand, and tend to throw too fast (in fact... a friend of mine insists that I do not roll the ball----instead that I just "push it down the lane" And he could be right. But when the backends are reasonably dry, I do not have a problem.
Any info ---- even if it is negative or laced with "operator error" comments or some humor is appreciated.