If using Doc's Elixir will lessen or eliminate the need to do these things then I'm going to have to try it. I just don't ever see myself, for instance, soaking a ball 3-4 times and using scotchbrite each time to clean it (and even then not getting it completely oil-free). That's just too time-consuming for me!
And I definitely don't ever see myself lugging in a spray bottle of cleaner and using it right after bowling. I have enough trouble lugging in the equipment I have, let alone bringing in anything else! Plus at midnight when my league is over, I only want to get home and into bed as quickly as possible.

When I was younger, I noticed bowlers would towel off their bowling balls before every shot. I even did that for a long time. This is still legal, right? I never see anybody do this anymore, but if it's still legal and also helps prevent oil absorbtion, then I gotta get back into the habit.
RE: the microfibre towels. Are these washable, or do I gotta toss them after a while?
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!