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Author Topic: About seriously persuing this...  (Read 472 times)


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About seriously persuing this...
« on: October 03, 2006, 03:17:59 AM »
I was recently asked to bowl the NEBA doubles tournament this weekend. (New England bowling, for those who may not know.)  I've bowled at Nationals and in a tournament up in VT in the last year, but I haven't taken them too seriously.  In fact, my entire bowling life has become much less serious.  And I'm trying to decide if I want to get back into the competitive aspect of the sport again.

Currently, I'm a pretty big fish in a small pond.  I can average 230 in the easy wood house near where I live, but I don't see that as any kind of accomplishment, and frankly I'm getting tired of all the people that think they're hot shots because they can bowl there.  

But in order to sucessfully go upwards, there's a lot of things I'd need to do that I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to.  I'd need to bowl (i.e. practice) more than two nights a week, and definitely not always in the same place.  I should be working on not turning the ball so early, and getting to the line sooner, plus I think I'd need one or two more revolutions down the length of the lane.  I'd need to commit to travelling, as any scratch tournament is at least 50 miles from my house.  I'd need to re-tool my arsenal, as I really don't have any oil balls anymore.  And I'd really need to learn how to win.

Of course, the alternative is to become a one-night-a-week bowler with two bowling balls and start comcentrating on something else, darts maybe.  

Does anyone have any thoughts to guide me on my way?  Thanks.

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We call it a "solid 10" to make ourselves feel better.