In the past 4 months, I've dropped 35lbs from 220 to 185. I was bowling very well prior to the change in my eating habits. These last few months I've been bowling less than awesome. The weight loss had an influence on my swing.
The first thing I noticed was a my thumb shrinking. I ended up reslugging every ball, which helped. But, I was still "grabbing" it and couldn't figure out why. I ended up lengthening my span 1/16th and using as little bevel as necessary. This finally gave me a secure feeling in the ball. Would the weight loss increase my flexibility? Could that be why I had the feeling of losing the ball.
As for the rest of my swing, I don't have to clear as much @$$ as I used so that is a good My accuracy seems mucho better. I'm still getting the feel of it and hopefully it is coming around. I was able to put together a decent set Wed night.
Has anybody else went thru a significant weight loss/gain? If so, how did it change your game, feel, etc?
--"I see your opinion, I just don''t give a f$%k."