Mon, Wed, Fri I sub on the Sr league when I'm working 4-12. Get the about noon, have some coffe, warmup game or 2 ($.50 a game). League starts at 1:00, done about 3:15, get to work at 4: PM.
Tue-Wed-Thurs, if I'm working days, get off a 4: PM, run home (45 min) get wife on Tues, clean up, eat, run back to bowling alley (1 hr) shadow balls at 6:15, league finishes about 9:30.
If I'm on midnites, wife gets me up at 4:30, cleanup, eat, when leagues finish, run home, watch about 1/2 hr of TV, run back to work.
Weekends, different story. This week, switched shifts to work 2d, get off work midnite Sat, run home, sleep until about 5 AM, drive 5 hours to Old School tourny. Once the tourny is over, 5 hr trip home, sleep a little, get back into work at midnite.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Old bowlers never die, we just don't score as often