Normally, Dexter shoes come with 2 soles and 2 heels to offer a wide spectrum of slide with a low material effort. Nevertheless, I found when I got my first pair, that I needed more diversity on the slide end of the spectrum to match up with the very different conditions I face, so I quickly added an S7 and S10 sole to the standard S8, and a high slide heel (not sure about the number right now).
So far, the S7 or S8 in combo with the standard H5 heel fits my game best; I never had the need to use the S10 so far (VERY slick), and the stickier soles and heels are almost never in use.
Nevertheless, having a well-fitting sole and heel combo can really make a difference in balance and score.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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"The Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades" - Pat MacDonald