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Author Topic: Beyond the Broken Foot  (Read 755 times)


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Beyond the Broken Foot
« on: April 07, 2009, 06:44:03 AM »
I just got back from the center after throwing my first games since breaking my foot on March 4.  The games were nothing to write home about, but considering the time lapse since last throwing a ball, I'd say that things are coming along nicely.  The biggest problem was really the lanes - dry as a bone and torn up from the morning no-tap tournament and day-care center traffic.  I had only minor discomfort during the 5 games.  Hopefully I will be in better shape tomorrow after a few games practice right before league play.

I do note that the first thing to fall apart was my spare game.  The iffy spare shooting wasn't helped by the bone dry lanes that even my plastic could hook on.  I was flagging single pins all over the place.

All things considered, 5 weeks is a pretty short time frame for healing from a broken metatarsal.  It's nice to know that I can finish out the last couple weeks of league with my team.

Be well, all.


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Re: Beyond the Broken Foot
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2009, 03:47:07 PM »
Scolai -
Healing time typically depends on the type of break and the fracture location.

I broke my 5th metatarsal (left foot) about 7 years ago. I didn't even realize I had broken it (I just thought it was sprained). Turns out it had fractured completely through, but not displaced. It was not near the lisfranc area, so that was a blessing. I had been hiking on it for a week and treating it with ice, ibuprofen, and an ace bandage before my wife convinced me to have it X-rayed. Luckily, no cast was needed, and it healed up perfectly in about 3 weeks.

My orthopedic specialist said that the bones in the foot, with good circulation, will heal about as quickly as a finger. If it's a non-displaced fracture, 4 weeks sounds about right. It only takes 7-10 days for fusion of the bone to occur. The rest of the time is to allow for densification of the fracture area.

Glad you are able to get back on the lanes and finish the season. A little practice and the spare game should come back quickly as well.
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Re: Beyond the Broken Foot
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2009, 07:55:56 PM »
1MechEng - it was a non-displaced fracture, and I'm in pretty good physical condition for a near-40-year-old.  There's only a little pain now when I step a little hard, but otherwise, I can do many things that I did before breaking the foot.  I'm not running yet, but that can wait for another week.  In the meantime, I'll stick to cardio training on the elliptical machine.

I returned to competitive play this evening.  All things considered, it wasn't a total loss on the night.  I shot 633 and the team won all points.  The foot only hurt a little and didn't affect my play at all.

What really sucked was the off-spot 4-pin on lane 9 that kept me from bing able to carry for sh**.  How many (left-handed) people do you know that can throw the ball in the pocket and leave flush-4s and flush 4-7s?  Not light hits.  Not high flush.  Good shots that just saw the 2 pin cross in front of the 4 and take out the 7.

Anyway, it's nice to be back.


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Re: Beyond the Broken Foot
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2009, 10:47:47 AM »
Wow, you guys are lucky.  I broke my 5th metatarsal (left foot) around xmas time 2006 and it took 4 months before I could go back to putting weight on it, and another 3-4 weeks before I was back to a full 4-step delivery!  Took them almost 2 months before they realized it wasn't going to heal and needed a pin/screw.

2 years later and I still get an occassional pain in the foot.

I had only been bowling for 2 1/2 years, so the time off was a big hit for me.  You've been bowling longer and are a much better bowler than me, so I'm sure you'll be back in top form in no time.

I hope you have a full recovery!
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