I am looking at replacing a ball in my bag to better handle the league
conditions I am seeing.
Current Arsenal:
Swamp Monster - Box finish, stacked leverage. This ball doesn't do me much good.
Rolls out on THS.
DZ Red Alert - Dulled from box finish, stacked leverage. This is my go to ball, and does well for me with any head oil. Can play inside and swing out.
Monster Bruiser - HiGloss Polish, 5x5. This is my length or meduim-dry oil ball. It tends to be snappier on the backends then the Red Alert.
V2 Dry - Box Finish. Drilled 4x4. I use this ball to play up the boards when I cannot find a line to swing, or down and in on toasted lanes.
So I am now bowling 2nd Shift League. The conditions as far as I can tell, are carrydown with not a lot of head oil. The best shot I have found so far is using the bruiser straight up 14-15 and tapping into the pocket. I leave much larger % of tens then I would like. The Red Alert finishes weaker then the Bruiser and doesn't seem like a good option.
Any suggestions on what to replace the swamp monster with?
My stats:
Tweener, 250+ RPM, 17.5 MPH
Axis of Rotation - Prefer 45, can play 30-70 easily.
Med- High Track, don't know exact PAP location. First oil Line about 1.5 inches from middle finger, .5 inches from thumb.
Thanks for looking,