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Author Topic: Big changes for the Nollster after this lesson  (Read 992 times)


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Big changes for the Nollster after this lesson
« on: January 11, 2004, 04:02:32 PM »
Had my 2nd lesson Sunday morning after a few months of practice and an equipment change.  I've left my 16# Truck behind for a 15# Sonic X and a 15# Burgundy Hammer which seem to fit the conditions I've been bowling in.  I also bought some real shoes -- SST 5s, but they take a little getting used to as I slide a lot more in them.  After warm up, we started working on my approach.
First we spent some time on letting the ball fall into the backswing -- something we'd worked on the last time, but I had become a little lazy with.  Once he was happy with that, we moved on to my footwork.  

I had a BIG first step (5 stepper) which was leading to very bad timing -- sometimes I'd get to the line first, sometimes the ball would.  He had me taking a baby first step and, let me tell you, that was funky at first!!  The great thing about it is I am now getting to the line at the same time as the ball which leads to me getting the ball on the lane much more smoothly.  No more uncontrolled lofting for me -- quiet as a mouse!!  After the baby step was mastered, we moved on to targeting.  

I started out lining up at 25 and throwing between the 2nd and 3rd arrows and it was working pretty well.  Apparently, though, he saw something he didn't like.  He had me move to the 20 board and throw at the 2nd arrow.  We watched the ball reaction as it pushed toward the edge and didn't quite get back to the pocket.  Then we moved 5 more boards right and threw to between the 1st and 2nd arrows.  The ball was drifting a little right before hitting the backends and slamming into the pocket.  We worked on that for some time, coordinating it with a release where I'm pushing my palm toward my target.  I'm now much more accurate with my targeting and release and can now pick up the 10 a lot more consistently.  The whole thing looked a lot like the way Norm Duke was bowling in yesterday's telecast -- except for the painful grimaces!!  For whatever reason (which I'm hopefully going to find out later today), he says he wants me on the right side of the lane.  He said I have enough hand to hook it more, but why do that when I'm crunching the pocket with a straighter, more controlled line.  He also said this will make me much more versatile as this new approach will take lane conditioning out of the equation in most situations.  

I tried putting it to the test later yesterday in my league with my son and I was ready to go back and smack him upside the head!!  Started 152/129 (with lots of 10s and missed spares -- different center/conditions) but found my groove and ended with a 211 that included 2 opens.  Two weeks of practice and I should be ready for the tour!!!  



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Re: Big changes for the Nollster after this lesson
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2004, 07:24:21 AM »
Here is a cool thing a coach showed me.

first you have to know 2 things. how many boards is there between yout slide foot and the where the ball crosses the line. second, where is your ball path and where does it cross yourt taget.

after knowing that, throw your shot. do you think you hit it? take some yarn(with managment persmision) lay the yarn at your set down point and the drag it out over the target. you will see that a tight set down say 5 boards at your original line 25- 10.( you didn't say where your breakpoint was.) may not be physically possible. it will point right at the gutter at 25 feet. it may show that to cross the second arrow and hit about 45 feet the 5th board you may have to stand 17.

this is a cool thing to see. it can show you that you may not be anywhere close to what you "Think". you can teel you are pulling it or forcing it becaue a free arm swing with good foot work goes through target.

this is a great mental picture to carry with you.
this also helps you line up a shot. say the oil line is about 10 and you want to go stright up the boards. you have 7 boards bewteen your set down.  you have to stand at 17. need to get it a few boards right? open your shoulders or move 1 board left.

good luck on future lessons and bowl well
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-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny


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Re: Big changes for the Nollster after this lesson
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2004, 09:16:57 PM »
Aaaah...Now I feel better!!  I talked to my teacher and he said we're doing this tamed down release until I can get some consistency in my release and approach.  I've got plenty of hook potential, I just get a little wild at the line.  Once that's better, we'll move on to different types of releases.....