I started bowling in the 60's. We had 7 centers in our town of 150,000 that were full with 2 shifts every night. Now 3 centers quite empty most the time. Pro bowling on TV was one of highest rated shows on ABC, what is it now. I believe its due in part to the ridiculous easy scoring for league bowlers. The resin era has not been good for the sport. I believe the ball companies are to blame, they saw the money being made in the golf industry and wanted the same. They failed to look at the dynamics, in golf you can give a bogey golfer the newest high tech clubs and he is still a bogey golfer. The only real way to improve is with better technique through practice. The last year I bowled was the first year of resin 1994, I can remember it was fun at first just standing left and throwing at the gutter and watching it come back and rip the rack like Mark Roth. Later I realized I struck even when I wasn't close to my mark or if the ball had slipped of my hand with no lift. My avg went from 190 to 220. It was hard to watch 160 avg bowlers now hit 700's without practice with terrible form and brag about it. We used to look up to the pros who could ave 200, and turn in every week for a tip. Now you don't have to learn how to change your roll, loft, speed to adjust to lanes, just change balls. I know bowlers wont give up these balls and go back to rubber and plastic, but it would be good for the sport.