spm -
The only time I heard of a league revolt in my area (many houses - 10+ and half have 50+ lanes) was because as the OP in this thread stated, the prize caps were not handed out after being asked for them and a litany of other reasons. So, a majority of the team captains got together at the end of a bowling night and told the rest of the league that if the treasurer or secretary - forget which one it was - did not pass out what was requested before league started next week, the teams represented by the team captains would not bowl and would not until the items were handed out as required and requested. Amazing how fast those items were ready then.
Point being, something should have been done when the issue occurred, not weeks later. The bowler continued to bowl after the issue occurred and now the sheets are available. So yes, while there was an issue originally, the issue has been taken care of. So why quit now and recite something from weeks ago as the reason that has now been resolved? OP should have walked out when the league could not produce the sheets, not weeks afterwards. That is definitive and direct proof that quitting the league is a direct result of the inability of the league to produce required documents. However, the bowler and team continued to bowl.
By the way, I agree with the OP that this sounds like a poorly run league. The problem is that in my years of research to earn my doctorate degree, when proof is found, you do not sit on it, you act on it immediately. Sitting on it only allows others to act on it or for a point of reasonableness to use the proof to pass. In this case, the issue is now resolved, so the proof that the OP wants to quit because the league is poorly run has passed.