General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Kid Jete on February 06, 2004, 10:27:01 AM
Carl aka EXCALIBER drilled my friend and I's ball today. Let me tell you what a cool guy he is... He took time out of his day to meet us at his lanes and open just to drill a couple balls for us. We got there and he watched us throw a couple times, helped find the track, measured us up, and figured out the best layout for us. Then he drilled them right there and hung out with us and BSed for another hour and a half while we threw the new balls. He even tweaked my buddies ball to help him keep it in play a little better and gave us a few pointers. If anyone is in the Youngstown, OH area and needs a balled drilled get ahold of him. He had more than reasonable prices too.
BTW he did an awesome job on both balls... we both loved them.
Edited on 2/7/2004 2:24 AM
Sorry... deleted the first one trying to find the edit button lol.
Thanks....and I hope they both work for you guys. I am sure you can return the favor in the GOLF game some day.
Once this crappy Ohio weather improves the course will definately be graced by our presence... until then you'll just have to kick my arse on the lanes haha.
I am hesitant to step on the golf course and look really bad!!!