I have a Barbed wire that is extremely mellow. I use the ball on second shift synthetics and in a wood house that always hooks a lot due to a shorter pattern with super clean backends. The Barbed wire gets through the heads with ease and then is all about arc and control of the breakpoint. The problem is hit. If there is any carrydown at all or if the backends are not super crisp the ball hits very weak. I leave weak 8 and 10 pins (righty) with frightening regularity on pocket hits. I put a ton of turn on the ball and am not accustomed to getting tapped with any regularity. Because I hate getting tapped, I keep trying to replace the Barbed Wire reaction. I,ve tried the Sonic X (GREAT ball but more hook than the BW), the Dry Heat, Shooter XL, and Slate blue Gargoyle. (These balls are all over undering for me especially on the wood. They all work better when the heads are fried and the oil is pushed down the lane which tames their backend. I don't often encounter this. It is usually just the light oil volume combined with a high friction surface that is killing me in the wood house. The old men are hooking their black beauties 15 boards on fresh oil in that house.)
With most mild balls I find that they won't come back when I swing it, but they over hook when I play them straighter. The BW is the only dry lane ball that gives me some miss room both left and right. It is also not super sensitive to release and speed changes. I love this ball until it hits the pins!
The BW is drilled with the pin next to ring finger and the cg a bit right of grip center. It has a small weight hole near Pap to bring the side weight down to half an ounce. It is highly polished as is all my equipment. I've tried it sheened. That allows the ball to be played successful on mediums but makes it hook to much on drier conditions.
What balls should I try or what should I do to get length with arc and a small amount of hook?
I just drilled up a Shooter XL. Pin over ring finger and PSA in the track. This ball is super release sensitive. I can't get the same reaction twice. It keeps hooking either early or late. This is driving me nuts because the hit is great when I get to the pocket and the overall amount of hook is small. If I could control the break point of that ball I'd be thrilled. I had the exact same problem with the Dry Heat.
Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?