General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: GendouIkari on February 09, 2004, 01:18:59 AM
TO ALL MY FELLOW BOWLERS, last sunday (02/01/2004) I was watching a movie with my girl and I started to bite my ring finger nail, I got the nail to the inner part of the finger and I got a horrible infection that is TODAY getting better, my finger got a little bit good on last friday (League day
) and I tried to play (bad mistake), I threw a horrrrrrrible 396 and got the infection to get worse, since saturday I've been on antibiotics... SO, MY ADVICE: NEVER NEVER NEVER BITE YOUR NAILS IF YOU BOWL (or, if you still need to, check that the finger is ANY of the ones on your left hand...) It was a horrible experience and I needed to post it 
Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!
You could always try brushing your teeth...

"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good. Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!! OHH THE HUMANITY!"
Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
This week's series:
Thursday League: 567 (222, 175, 170)
Sunday League: 600 (164, 203, 233)

Edited on 2/11/2004 2:58 PM
The infection was caused because I bit a piece of flesh out and It got infected with "who knows what"...
Well my big advice DONT BITE YOUR NAILS!!!! I am full recovered and today on practice I threw a nice 602... (Hope that on league it will be the same or more) 
Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!
I keep an emery board and nail clippers in my little bowling supply bag for just such a reason. I have an emery board/clippers in my purse too.
White Dot 
Ancient Chinese Proverb: Man who stand on toilet high on pot.
Hmmmm sounds like a good idea... but then again how can you stop an "ALL LIFE" thing??? I have a year bowling, but I HAVE 20 years biting my nails... NOW I KNOW WHAT SMOKERS FEEL WHEN THEY ARE QUITTING...

Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!
I too bite my nails, i started when i was 6, im now 18.. its hard to stop... i did stop for like 6 months a few years back... but seeminly without knowing it i started again
its a hard habit to throw.
good luck and high scoring
Happens all the time to me (yes, I'm a nail biter)... suggestion, keep some neosporin near by & when you feel the tell tale "heat" of an infection, rub a good potion of neosporin into the wound, should be good as new in 24-48 hours.