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Author Topic: Drilling a ball for higher axis rotation player  (Read 915 times)


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Drilling a ball for higher axis rotation player
« on: October 10, 2011, 10:23:35 AM »
   Hello, for a player with higher axis rotation about 70Deg, and 18mph 350, and with a higher axis pt 5.25" how would you lay out ball to have the most over all hook ? 
I'm no professional driller or anything but I would say to compensate for his higher axis rotation you need that ball to start sooner so perhaps a layout like 60 x 4.5 x 40 ? to keep the mb swung out by the bowlers axis point would be helpful ?
What do you guys think ?



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Re: Drilling a ball for higher axis rotation player
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2011, 06:30:12 PM »
surface to get it to slow down so it is not responsive when it finally slows will smooth out the break point.

Also try a weight hole down as well

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