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Author Topic: Laneshield????  (Read 1242 times)


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« on: October 17, 2003, 09:32:36 AM »
OK, we are a couple months into the season. Several on here, including myself had stated this summer their center was having the new Laneshield overlay installed. Up to this point what is your opinions or what is the scoring like?

I will save our outcome to after others have commented.

Oh, if you know..What oil is your center using on the Laneshield?



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Re: Laneshield????
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2003, 01:16:32 AM »
Really haven't noticed that much of a difference except for that the ball clears the heads much better than on the old wood surface.  As far as back end reaction it's pretty much the same.  They're running the same pattern as last year.


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Re: Laneshield????
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2003, 11:56:41 AM »
Jury is still out on the laneshield.  Most of the complaints I hear is about the difficulty of seeing a breakpoint target.  The house didn't put in the colored arrows and dots in this house but everyone has gotten used to that.

The league average is staying close to the same as last year.  Several of the guys have taken a big hit average wise though.  I've increased mine by about 10 pins.  1st and 2d games are average killers for me, splits and backrow pins.  Average about 200 1st two games, averaging 240 3rd game.  4th in average so far this year, was 7th in average at end of last year.

Not sure what oil is being used.  House is running a THS 8-8 for 42'.  3rd game average is killing the other guys.  I see a lot of 250+ games 1 & 2, lot of 140- 3rd game.  I've won the high game scratch pot 7-9 weeks in the 3rd game shooting as low as 215.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Laneshield????
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2003, 10:01:46 PM »
What I am hearing in our house would be mixed revues. They did put in the colored arrows and dots so that has not been an issue. The center is running two different patterns. The normal leagues, 4 person mixed, 3 person mixed and womens league are using a 40 foot house pattern that is 8-8, with a slightly lighter strip from 5-8. The men's league which is an old style 5 man gets a different pattern. While I am hearing some positive commments out of the regular league, our mens has been a crap shoot. The house tried different adjustments for 5 weeks and then an overlay the last two weeks. Lefties have had an advantage most of the weeks with the lower play, righties have been under average pretty much across the board. The longer length that you mention is interesting, in our center keeps making the pattern shorter. Which with the synthetic surface can be violent. I had thought of recommending the longer length before and I think they might be surprised. ONe of our problems might be the use of Prodigy, I know there were some real negative comments on here about this oil.

One other question I  just thought of, what have you guys seen on out of range pins or pins sliding on the deck?


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Re: Laneshield????
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2003, 10:44:24 PM »
Tex--What I've seen in the many centers that have used a Guardian type overlay is the center management needs to re-think their lane conditioning.  Change the way they conditions lanes from wood to what they have in place now.  Need to do it before bowling season not during as an experiment on league bowlers.  Just my thoughts.



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Re: Laneshield????
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2003, 10:50:29 PM »
Well, it's purple with bright orange dots and arrows that are pretty difficult to see.  There is no differentiating boards past 30 feet, it's a sea of purple.  There's nothing special about it, although the backends don't carry down much.  The track burns up, but the backends stay put.  It's a better surface than what they had down, so the only thing I'm complaining about now is the ball return capping.  It's worse than adult bumper bowling.  Close your eyes and throw right, it's the most walled up shot I've ever bowled on.  They've been putting down more oil recently, so that's tamed the scores a bit, but there's a guy here that's averaging 240 who finished 90th out of 114 at the regional in Springfield a couple weeks ago.  Decent bowler, but when he hits 6 at the breakpoint on one shot and 11 the next and comes back saying, "See, the exact same shot, I just released it smoother."  Yeah freakin right, you rode the oil line to the pocket and blasted the pins around because you have a million revs and throw it faster than Robert Smith.  Don't like it at all, there's no skill involved.
Cocky?  I'm not cocky.  I'm the proud owner of a 280-742 set with a White Dot.  So, who wants to touch me?  . . . . . . .  I SAID WHO WANTS TO F*#%!&G TOUCH ME?!?!

Man!  I'm like the white Larry Bird!

10 In The Pit

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Re: Laneshield????
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2003, 05:24:15 AM »
Speaking of Prodigy lane oil, my house owner threw away part of a bucket of Prodigy because of the poor scoring conditions the house was having with it.  Plus, he said that his ball calls and out of ranges went out the ceiling with the Prodigy, so it was hitting him in the pocketbook on maintenance too.  He was happy to see the Prodigy go out the door, as soon as he got some Black Gold back in again.


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Re: Laneshield????
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2003, 11:46:33 PM »
There is really no comparison between Laneshield and Guardian except they both are used over wood. The Laneshield is a .050 thick solid plastic material that literally just lays on top of the wood. It is not glued down at all, taped in place at the fouline and is supposed to be taped down on the deck a month or so later. I am beginning to believe our problem is bad oil, not necessarily bad lane material. None of our scoring is up from before, just the regular leagues are not down any noticable amount. We are a center that never has many honor scores and so far have none this year. It was December I think last year before our first. What we do have is carrydown, out of ranges, unpredictable transitions (at least in our Men's league) and owners that I think are freaking out a little. I know we will get this mastered, but Brunswick is not going to give any real help unless we use their newest oil. Considering the amount of testing they have done on the Laneshield might be a good idea to do what they say. We had to switch to Brunswicks cleaner to get it clean, was using Kegels stuff with great success on wood.

Obviuosly Hamster your center is doing something way different than ours. We do have a legal shot and then some. However, that is no different than in the past. We do not have a special inspection pattern like so many centers, just come on down anytime. We will pass, even at 40ft outside 5. However, we have very few 200 averages in out Men's league and we have several PBA members bowling at least part time and not all of them (including myself) have managed to keep up with what is going on. One came in recently to sub and never broke 200. I have guys whose average is 20 pins lower than in other leagues they are bowling in. Oh well, if things don't get better by Christmas I think the decision to go with Brunswick has already been made. I wish they would just bite the bullit and do it now so I we don't keep getting hammered every week by mad bowlers. Being secretary and traditionally involved in things like the conditions in the past, I get to hear it alot. Price we pay for getting involved I guess.

Anyway, some good feedback for me to carry to the owners.

Edited on 10/19/2003 11:56 PM