Well, just goes to show how lack of practice, and lack of serious competition hurts my game!!!
I bowled a tournament today - no big deal, just a local group. Bowled at a house I don't bowl in regularly.They had 5 dots on the approach, instead of 7 in the houses where I bowl league. These were also wood approaches. Ok, no biggie. Qualifying is 5 games across 9 pairs (skip 1 pair each game)...
First 4 games, everything was fine. Last game - flush on left lane, always really, really high on the right lane...
I was lining up in the 9th frame on the left lane, and happened to look from my foot to the foul line, to double check my spot. I then did exactly the same thing in the 10th on the right. I realized at that point that the "half board" I'd been lining up on was 2 boards right on the right lane!!!! The last 3 balls were all absolutely flush! GRRRRRRRRR.......
That's an absolutely ridiculous mistake - and I'm definitely a bit angry with myself for taking it for granted, instead of ALWAYS counting the boards!!!
Wow. I feel really stupid. That's the kind of mistake that I wouldn't have made, had I really been paying attention. I guess the good news is that I was already pretty well out of the hunt. Sigh.
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