The ball comes polished at 1500 grit w/polish. The polish is what makes the ball jumpy on the backend. By taking the ball to 1000 to knock off the shine and then take it to 2000, it will still have a sheen appearance and still allow the ball to get down the lane. By not having the polish over the 2000, it will make the backend a little more controllable for you.
Polish helps a ball to retain energy. The more energy retained, the more flip you will see on the backend. By taking the ball and stepping down to a sheen finish, it will help the ball to lose a little bit of that energy thus making the backend smoother. It will still hook overall similar to the box finish, but be a tad earlier and a tad smoother.
I would try the surface adjustment first and then see if you really need a new ball. Worst case scenario, the ball is still too jumpy for your liking and you can have the pro shop add polish back to it which takes 90 seconds if that.
Peace doesnt always have to be silent.