Ok, so i got my new balls drilled today, Phenom, Superfreak, Triple Threat and an Apex Obsession, although that is irrelivent for this posting. I have changed ball drillers aswell. First time out i got a blister on the left side of my thumb, about 8-9 mm in diameter adjacent to the knuckle.
Ok so what i want to know is what caused this blister. My old driller used oval thumb drilling, and this driller uses conventional round thumb holes, could it just be an adjustment from going oval to round, or is it something else? Maybe there was still a lil dust in the thumb holes causing more friction then normal? Ive always gripped with my thumb, never really got the hang of the relaxed thumb, just couldnt do it. Any suggestions on how to stop these blisters, or do you all think its just an adjustment thing?
And help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Good luck and high scoring