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Author Topic: Thanks BallReviews......  (Read 1180 times)


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Thanks BallReviews......
« on: May 26, 2003, 03:29:34 PM »
It is a tad late, but on behalf of the Amherst Vol. Firemen in NY, and particularly Main-Transit Fire Dept., I want to thank BallReviews for being a sponsor of the 46th Annual Tournament.
In regards to this, it was Scott who approached myself in being a sponsor. It was also offered to allow all bowlers to use a predetermined set from the tournament to get into the on-line tournaments. I do not know if anyone took advantage of that (they did of course have to pay entry fee), but it was also good marketing for BallReviews.

So, to Scott, Thanks!

To whoever the new ownership is, it may be wise to see what works, and doesn't, poll the "regulars" for opinions, and make any changes accordingly. This site was built upon a strong base of regulars, and if you don't maintain that, what you "bought" will be a "ghost site" unfortunately.

But those are just my 2 cents from a former national marketing director.
The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world


10 In The Pit

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Re: Thanks BallReviews......
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2003, 07:22:36 AM »
I might suggest that you follow the link at the left of the page to "Virtual Tournaments" where Scott resides now.  As of 2 days ago, Scott said "farewell" to the posters here, along the same time that he announced that he was no longer affiliated (personally) with BallReviews, and that the site had been sold to "others".  Due to contractural agreements, Scott was not at liberty to mention who the new owner(s)? of this site is/are.  

Scott might possibly find this post here, but then again he might not.  He didn't sound like he was going to be a "regular" poster around here anymore, although that might be subject to change.


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Re: Thanks BallReviews......
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2003, 12:44:30 AM »
10, I appreciate that Scott may or may not see this soon, but I feel confident that he will be at least lurking to see how all is going.

It was also for others to see what BallReviews, AND Scott did in appreciation for the firemen of NY State.

As time has passed, many seem to lose focus of what occurred 9-11-01, and even some companies in NY have quickly forgetting. But there are still many that remember what we went through, and what we go through daily. It was appreciated tremendously by all the NY State Volunteer Firefighters by acts such as Scott's, BallReviews and Roto Grips, which made our tourney successful. Remember, many of the 343 lost 9-11-01 were also volunteers in their hometowns in NY as well.
The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world