i am genetically predisposed and capable. i put on 20 lbs in the last 15 months and bf% is still only 9%. many guys can put on 30 pounds of muscle in a year or 2 most of em juice though, but thats another story.so it does and will occur. also ever heard of training 1 bodypart per day? like monday- chest, tue- delts -wed- legs thur- back and fri-arms? not overtraining. i have degrees too. and 10 years of exp. that is not overtraining and it is high intensity. and i dont care much for jones theory. read the arnold encyclopedia, and by the way ferrigno was 325 not 270.he may be now but not when he was at his biggest. reason i posted this was to see if anyone else worked out this way got big and ripped and still was able to bowl with the flexibility and limberness required. no offense taken, im sure you have 18" guns.