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Author Topic: Do you hurt the effectiveness of a ball if you drill it many times  (Read 582 times)


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hey fellas do you mess a ball up when you drill it more than two times?



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Re: Do you hurt the effectiveness of a ball if you drill it many times
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2005, 10:40:53 AM »
Not necessarily...I have a Blue Hammer and have it's been punched three times. Works like a champ and won me a state tournament. What really matters is checking it on the scales and having a clean track area. My opinion, anyway.


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Re: Do you hurt the effectiveness of a ball if you drill it many times
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2005, 12:11:56 PM »
As always, the answer is, for me, it dependson how much damage you do to the core. The coverstock is not usually harmed too much, but you can drill out too many pieces of the core so that it affects how much the ball reacts. It's pretty hard to tell except by performance. I'd guess that as a safety margin you should probably limit most balls to the 3rd drilling (2 sets of plugs for finger and thumb).
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