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Author Topic: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN  (Read 2562 times)


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Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« on: March 16, 2009, 12:57:48 AM »
First off let me say that this tournament was ran EXCEPTIONLY well. Not very often do you see a tournament so professionally executed. This was my first visit and was enjoyable. I want to thank those that ran it!!

Now my only complaint. As it turns out its another left - right issue. The pattern they used was a Kegel pattern called route 66. This pattern forces bowlers to play the inside of the lane. So be it. I dont exactly know the ratio of lefties to righties... but there were 82 bowlers in the event total... and I would guess there was ~10 lefties that I saw. The format was great... 4 games of qualifying cut to the top 32 and bowl head to head 2 game total pins matches. The first match after the cut, I was playing 23. The second match I was play 26, the thrid match I was playing 29 and fortunately I had not met any lefties at this point. By the time I got the semi finals there was me and 3 lefties.

Here is the issue... me and the lefty were lookin at the same arrow!!! I was looking at 30 (10 on the left side) and there was no fresh oil right of me. If I went right looking at my break point (12-10) where I was all day the ball went through the nose. If I looked farther right at the break point I missed the head on the right (45' of oil). If I looked left of break point the ball hooked early and through the nose.  I am already playing farther than I have every played and having to walk around the ball return on the right lane. In contrast the lefty was playing 10 to 8... sometimes 12 to 8.

Now how is this fair? The ratio of lefties to righties in the cut had to be much highier than the 7 to 1 ratio in qualifying. And after every match the ratio got worse until it was 3 to 1 in the semi final match lefties to righties.

Understand I am NOT saying that the lefties were not good bowlers. I saw so many good bowlers it was great to bowl. What I am saying is, if any tournament wants to be fair to all bowlers it must consider all aspects of the event and it is demoralizing to the righties to feel as though they had no chance. I spoke with many of the righties that lost in the matches and to a man they all said that they wished they had a fresher looking shot that the lefties enjoyed.

That being the case I have given alot of thought to this issue and have come up with a solution that I would like to propose to this tournament. I looked at there website and could not locate a single email address to forward comments to so I am using this location. I do not know if anyone from Bowlers Adavantage Pro Shop (the sponcer) or the tournament looks at this site but if someone else could pass this along it would be great.

Here is my simple solution. Have 4 pair not used during qualifying and only used after the qualiying cut. This would put all the qualifyers back to a fresh pattern. I know there are a very legistacal issues to deal with but they could be solved. This seems to be more fair to the lefties rightie issue. What do you think?
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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 09:11:33 AM »
I will pass this along. I was there also. I payed straight up ten first game and migrated left after 5th frame. I unfortunately could not get the corners out. And finished 36th missing the cut by ten.
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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 11:13:12 AM »
That's one of my former bowling centers. I'm not surprised to hear Bowler's Advantage ran the tournament well. They were a very good pro shop for me while I lived there.

Also not surprised to hear about the lane oil issues. When I first moved there in 2004, that center had 40-something lanes and you could strike from anywhere. In 05 or 06, they expanded to 52 lanes and put down all new AnviLane, as well as changing the way the ventilation system flowed. My average dipped 15-20 pins and so did many others. Shot consistency was a big issue.

I'm not complaining about the people running things. They have very good maintenance personnel there and center management is awesome. They should give lessons on how to run a bowling center.

It just sounds like they're still chasing the rabbit when it comes to lane condition.



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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2009, 11:43:36 AM »

    Thanks for passing it along. I too had some difficulties getting corners out. I surely hit the pocket alot more than what was representitive of my scors. I bet my strike percentage was below 50%. Thanks for reminding me, game 3 I never miss the pocket and stike out in 9th and 10th for 217. And thanks, I will have to think about this to figure out what surface/layout/ball combination might help me the next time I see this pattern.


    I believe the tournament requested this specific pattern. And you are correct, that bowling center was truely ran very well... albeit the snackbar volume was too loud and was very distracting for me. My other complaint was the approaches... they started out tacky everywhere, then got better, But as I moved deeper and deeper they became spotty, sticky in places and not others. As I got my feet to the gutter they became slick. I think you are on to something with air flow and humidity in the building after they installed more lanes. They should really be working on this issue. I believe all bowling centers should have proper humidification and few do.

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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2009, 12:35:27 PM »

    Thanks for passing it along. I too had some difficulties getting corners out. I surely hit the pocket alot more than what was representitive of my scors. I bet my strike percentage was below 50%. Thanks for reminding me, game 3 I never miss the pocket and stike out in 9th and 10th for 217. And thanks, I will have to think about this to figure out what surface/layout/ball combination might help me the next time I see this pattern.


    I believe the tournament requested this specific pattern. And you are correct, that bowling center was truely ran very well... albeit the snackbar volume was too loud and was very distracting for me. My other complaint was the approaches... they started out tacky everywhere, then got better, But as I moved deeper and deeper they became spotty, sticky in places and not others. As I got my feet to the gutter they became slick. I think you are on to something with air flow and humidity in the building after they installed more lanes. They should really be working on this issue. I believe all bowling centers should have proper humidification and few do.

As I remember it, after they expanded, they put in a state-of-the-art ventilation/humidification system over the new part. The old part had a nice system (especially for smoke removal) but not so state-of-the-art, and it didn't flow the same direction as the new system.

So half the house basically is controlled by one system, and another half of the house gets another system. The lanes don't transition the same and the approaches aren't the same from one end to the other. Seems a case of them trying to do the best thing possible and it backfired on them a little.

The bigger issue for me was that you could never count on it being the same every time. For instance, in my current house, the low end hooks more than the high end, for all practical purposes. The lanes on the low end break down more quickly and the backends especially get snappier. And they do that same thing just about every week. At Smyrna, the low end would do one thing one week and something else the next week.



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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2009, 12:53:23 PM »
Do not get me wrong i love the New Alleys here. This is where I bowl. But every approach and lanes are the same. When they added on to the alleys they had to have new lanes so they purchased all new 52 lanes, approaches. But they do play different. To me 1-20 play totally different than 31 through 52. Normally on league night 1-20 I swing from 20 board to around 8-9 board but on the other end I throw from the 10 board and run it about 9-10 or straight up.
It is never the balls fault but the person throwing it.


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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2009, 12:54:31 PM »
On lane COndition they got jumped on cause their oil was almost illegal.
It is never the balls fault but the person throwing it.


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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2009, 03:32:24 PM »
Do not get me wrong i love the New Alleys here. This is where I bowl. But every approach and lanes are the same. When they added on to the alleys they had to have new lanes so they purchased all new 52 lanes, approaches. But they do play different. To me 1-20 play totally different than 31 through 52. Normally on league night 1-20 I swing from 20 board to around 8-9 board but on the other end I throw from the 10 board and run it about 9-10 or straight up.

Lane 20 is about where the HVAC system divides. Somewhere between 12 and 20.



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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2009, 03:48:57 PM »
JessN16 – While agree the HVAC and location of the lanes in the house can affect how the lanes play however I don’t believe they would explain the left/right discrepancy.

I don’t know if there is a good answer to these types of situation.

If the left was bad and you re-oil to give the right handed bowlers some head oil then you keep the left shut out.

If you don’t re-oil and the left is good then they will dominate.

As long as they use lane conditioner and/or have balls that remove lane conditioner these things are going to happen.  


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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2009, 01:24:46 AM »

   Hey dont get me wrong here, I fully expect that the left side would have more oil this late in the tournament. I am not complaining about this fact. And I am not complaining about having to play 15-20 boards deeper than the lefties either. All I am really saying is that no matter where I played I did not have a chance to execute a shot that would have given me a pace at 230. I would be more than happy to be able to say to myself that I need to practice at something that I do not have in my skill set to be able to compete. But as it was, I might as well have known up front that I was not playing for 1st place but 3rd or 4th, that I put up 100.00 for a prize fund of 400.00 against 81 others. As far as I was concerned, you could have put any right hander in the world up against these lefties and they could not have won... certainly bowled better than I did no doubt but not at a 230 pace to beat them. And dont get me wrong, I am not bitter either about it. I am happy with this experience and had a great time bowling and having some success (as I did in my youth).
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Re: Bowlers Advantage Tournament - Symra TN
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2009, 07:14:58 AM »
Pin-chaser - I know where you are coming from.

But the new balls are worthless unless there is lane conditioner for them to work with.

The position of the lane conditioner determines where on the lane you have to play. This may or may not allow you the best angle into the pocket for carry.

But it is a sad fact of the modern game. It is more about matching up to the conditions for maximum carry than physical execution. You can’t out execute a bad ball reaction.

If a certain style or side of the lane has that advantage over the other then it is nearly impossible for the bowler with the bad reaction to out score the other bowler.