Give a 20 handicapper a $2,000 set of clubs and 5 lessons and he will hit it farther,but in what direction?

IF the lessons are good ones AND he/she practices what they're told AND IF the clubs are fitted by a certified club fitter,you should EASILY be able to knock off 5 strokes minimum----if not 7-8 in a summer.My first set of custom fit irons and lots of practice and playing took me from a 15 handicap to a 6 IN ONE SUMMER,including a personal low of 72 on a course used by the Futures Tour(LPGA developmental tour)
I'm a 7.2 handicap and have averaged over 200 for the past eleven years in at least two leagues per year with at least 66 games per league(and usually closer to 90).
P.S. No holes in one,but several 300 games.
Golf is INFINITELY harder.Be off by 1-2 boards in bowling and you can still strike or spare.Be off by 1/2 degree closed or open on a shot in golf and you'll miss your target by a comparative mile.
JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........